Part three: Emergency move

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Note - took a couple days but i was able to track him down

Name: George Henry Davidson

Student at: Gaterpark university

Birthday: November 1st, 1996

Address: 404 E Lapis Street, Orlando, FL, 12519, Apt 18

Hey, meet me at our location in an hour

See you there

Dream packs everything he needs then rushes to his car. Dream pulls into an apartment complex and goes to the front desk

Hello sir, how may I help you

yes, can you point me in the direction of apartment 18, it belongs to George Davidson

Go into this elevator, go to the second floor, go right then it'll eventually be in the left side

Thank you

Dream follows her directions, she sees the elevator close, so she pages George's apartment

Ding ding

Hi, is everything okay

Was you expecting anyone Mr., Davidson

I was not, can you describe them

Tall blonde male with green eyes, he was wearing a business suit. Do you know him?

Um yes, it's fine

Okay, let me know if you need anything

George frantically starts trying to straighten his apartment up until there was a knock at his door After confirming it was indeed dream, George opened the door motioning for dream to enter

I didn't do anything to ruin your reputiation

That's not why I'm here


We need to leave


You need to pack everything you need and come with me

Go with you where?

We will discuss the plan soon

Am I in danger

It's possible

George nods as he walks away, leaving dream to awkwardly wait

Find a house with a private floor or in-law suite in different state and get it setup

Sure thing

About 20 minutes later, George stumbles into the hall with a rolling suitcase, duffle bag, pillow and a backpack. Dream walks to him, taking the suitcase and duffle bag from him.

I'm sorry

For what?

I packed so much I didn't mean to

George your fine, I didn't intend for you to get involved but I will do anything to keep you safe

They get in the car and arrive at the location to meet up with the others

Here's a couple of houses I found; dream looks over them before handing the papers to George

Are we going to live together?

Yes, the private floor will be yours

What about my schooling and my stuff in my apartment

I will have someone collect the rest of your things and bring them and we have moved your school online

Which one do you think

This one's decent?

Do you like this one the best?

Yeah, I guess

Get this house figured out for tomorrow

Will do

Dream, what are your thoughts for the plan

We'll make the soonest flight to North Carolina. George and I will walk in, sapnap and you will be waiting, we'll hand off patches and leave with a disguise. You two will take patches then stay at your place for the night then drive to the house with patches. George and I will drive to the location

Everyone agrees with the plan though George didn't seem to be jumping for joy

17 hours just you and I cramped into a car

Yep, enjoy it while you can

Enjoy what?

Looking at me

Yep, very funny

We better get going, the soonest flight is in four hours so why don't we pack as much as your stuff as we can

What about your stuff

I don't have anything to take, someone is already ordering a new set of stuff for me

Is this the way you live

Yes, I had to

Stranger of worth (Dreamnotfound)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن