Part seven: Gut feelings

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---Car accident and death warning---

A month later

Are you sure you want to go

Yes dream, everything will be fine

okay, Karl brought some suits for you

I'm excited for tonight

they go to get ready and meet out by the car to go to the event


Dream stops in his tracks when he sees George standing next to the dark in a dark blue suit

Well, pretty boy how do I look?


Thank you, my husband,

Dream playful rolls his eyes as opens the door for George then gets in the car themselves. As soon as they enter the building, dream senses somethings not right

I'll be right back, try to keep our marriage to a minimum

I will, I'll get us some drinks

Dream goes to the bathroom to inform sapnap of the uneasy feeling. Sapnap and Karl go to watch the area outside of the event. As the event goes on it goes well but the uneasy feeling grows worse. Once they get in the car, dream checks every inch of George's seatbelt and ask their driving checking to make sure his seat belt is tight and locked

Dream, you acting weird

I'm sorry, something is wrong. I have a bad feeling

George reaches over to check dream seatbelt and dream gives him a smile, but George sees the sadness behind it

They were ten minutes from home when George felt something happen to the car.

Call sapnap and keep that seatbelt on... promise?

I promise

George reach over one more time check dream's seat belt as sapnap picks up

Sapnap stay behind us something is happening

Okay pull over your just out of view

I can't, speed is slowly increasing without my assistance and brakes aren't working

Try to maintain as much control

I will, I love you guys remember what we discussed

Before sapnap could respond there was a sound of brakes begin slammed and glasses breaking

Dream? Hello? George? George?

Sapnap hears light mumbles that turn into panic that turn into painful grunting. As they pull up to the area, they see a body on the ground and someone giving CPR to the body

Karl, call 911

As they jump out of the car, they find a blood trail from the passenger seat leading to the two.


Karl pulls George away as sapnap continues the CPR

No no no this isn't happening I can't lose him

George takes a breath, why wasn't he wearing a seatbelt

He was, I checked it multiple times. He's not breathing I need to help

Let sapnap handle it, let me look at you

I can't lose him

Lay down, you passed out you could have a head injury

As Karl helps George lay down, he hears an ambulance coming close and paramedics running towards them.


He wasn't breathing and he had a weak pulse, but both are better

Okay move back let us handle it, they want to talk to you


What do we have here?

He passed out for a few seconds after the incident, he's left a small blood trial which is probably from the broken wrist that I tried to stabilize

We'll take over go with your friend to talk to the police

Sapnap and Karl tell them everything they know while the police investigates the scene

Here's what happened, someone tampered with the technology part of the car, as they were driving, they took over the accelerate and braking causing the car to go an excessive speed to cause the car to come to a sharp stop so that your friend got thrown from the car

How did he get thrown, the passenger said he double check the seat belt twice

I'll show you

The officer shows sapnap and Karl the tapered seat belt showing that someone cut it enough to break in the accident. We can handle everything, go to the hospital

When they get to the hospital, they are taken to see George. Geroge jumps up as he sees them, and they usher him down

Is he alive?

He's in surgery, He has a brain injury, internal bleeding and multiple broken bones in his left leg

Is he going to be okay

It's too early to tell

What are your injuries

Concussion and broken arm like you said, there putting a pin or something in the morning.

Over the next week George spends every second of the day working on the business from dream's bedside until dream takes a turn for the worst. George gets ushers out of the room to sapnap and Karl and told 90 minutes later that he has passed away

Stranger of worth (Dreamnotfound)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang