Kiyokei confession

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B: let me show you

I finished changing my clothes and grabbed my phone, feeling a bit

Sato: Oh it's from Karuizawa san's perspective

Kei : ( I have a feeling that this is gonna be embarrassing)

«Good grief… what is it now?»
I was preparing myself when I suddenly got a call.
An unknown 11-digits phone number that wasn’t in my contact list.
I obviously knew who it was. It was Kiyotaka.
The scene of him and Hiyori-san on that date appeared before my eyes.
He’s free to hang out with whoever, wherever he wants to, of course.
Since our relationship wasn’t anything special after all.
But still…
«Ah, enough! Why do I have to feel so irritated and getting pushed around
by someone like him!»

Class C: Oi what is he doing with our angel !?

Ibuki : I swear to God if he did anythi-

B: hey calm down they are friends in the future the read books together

Sato : looks like someone is jealous

Kei : Sh-shut  up mou

«It’s me, sorry for calling you.»
I restrained my voice which was about to burst and calmed myself down.
«It’s fine. What?»
«You sound like you have some complaints though.»
«Not really. Not complaining, just wanted to confirm something with
«That I called you out recently and didn’t get in touch with you later?»
If you understood that, so at least follow up, will you! Whoops, I should
keep that to myself…
«You seem to understand then, what? Just wanted to harass me?»
«Could we meet up and talk about that?»
«Remember the thing I said I would tell you if I remembered it? I just did.
Could you come over?»
What’s up with that?… You didn’t contact me after that and now you
want to talk with me? And in your room?
«Good grief… You always do it when it pleases you… I guess it’s fine.
I’m not taking any responsibilities if someone sees me, okay?»
It will become a problem if I were seen trying to enter a boy’s room alone.
«Don’t worry about that.»
I thought he would have some misgivings about that, but it seems I was
Well, if he says he isn’t worried, then why should I?

Kiyo : ( depsite everything she went through because of she still trust me )

Ichinose: she trust him a lot

Sakayanpapa: the amount of trust that you guys have is something rare these days you know ( well putting him in class d wasn't so bad after all)

«Got it. Ah, I have something planned by 7pm so I can’t have you take
too much time, okay?»
«It will be short. Probably around 10 to 20 minutes.»
«It’s alright for me then. See you later.»
I ended the call and sighed.
I felt relieved the call didn’t turn for the worse.
«Why does my heart have to be pushed around by a guy like him?»

Matsuhita: it's kinda cute seeing Karuizawa San jaleous

Shinohara: yeah that's true

began to prepare myself before leaving for his room.
A meal is waiting for me after this. So let’s be done with this quickly, that kind of feeling.
But it was so quiet when I arrived.
He was just looking at me, not delving into any important topics.
«So, what is it?»
Don’t even tell me he has forgotten the matter after I came here?
His answer when I tried to cut through this awkwardness was…
«What do you mean?»
An evasive reply. I became a bit irritated by that.
«What do you mean? Didn’t you just recall what you wanted to say?»
«Now that you say it, yes, I suppose that’s true.»
I thought he would start talking again, but he became quiet and the silence
«Oh come on, what is it?»
«Well, you don’t need to be so hasty.»
«I’m pretty sure I mentioned it, didn’t I? I’m eating with my friends at
7PM at the Keyaki Mall. Understand?»
«There still a lot of time. It’s going to be fine.»
«Hmm, you kinda give me the goosebumps, you know? The way you just
go on and on about nonsense.»

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