Chapter 5: Revealing the truth part 2

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As soon as the boys got out of school they headed over to the lab in Keon's car. "I don't understand why we have to take a car when we could just fly, teleport, and super speed to the lab?" Leo asked. The reason the other boys gave was so that the other students didn't know their secret and try to get them in trouble or experimented on. However, as the boys drove away little did they know someone who was the child of a certain villain named Knitemare was watching the boys every move waiting for the perfect moment to strike at the most vulnerable moment.

Meanwhile at the lab while Brooklyn was working on a new experiment a large figure stepped into Brooke's line a view. "you called me Captain?" the voice said in a low voice as Brooke turned around. "of course I need you to help out with a few new superheroes that have come into the light." Brooke said as she jerked her head towards her newest machine. All the figure could do is stare in shock and amazement. "Wow you did this? Can't say I'm surprised you were always the smart one in the group, now are the students almost here?" the figured asked. Brooke told the figure that the boys would be arriving any minute that they could.

"So why did Brooke want to see us again?" Keon asked Reece as the boys pulled up and saw a hug thunder bolt come down from the training ground as the three boys looked on in amazement and shock. "um Reece, does your sister know anyone by the name of?" Leo began to ask as Reece said hesitantly that he didn't know. "hey guys I have a friend here to see you why don't you make an entrance?" Reece heard his sister's voice as the boys gave a look of worriment and confidence. "let's do this wait what do we want to call ourselves?" Keon asked as he got into position to start flying. "Not sure but see you guys there." Reece said as he got ready as the other two boys took off. Okay, think of the place you want to go which is the training ground and Reece thought as he quickly teleported to the training ground where Brooklyn, her mentor, and the figure were standing.

"whoa" the figure said as Reece appeared before them and was very hesitant and shocked at the same time. "looks like you beat us here Reece." Leo said as he sped up the path. Just then Keon flew in and landed not so gracefully on the training grounds. "This is what I wanted to show you." Brooke began to say as the sight of the figure left the three boys in shock. "Leo, Keon, Reece I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine, this is Chen Dong otherwise known as you want to take it from here?" Brooke said as the figure stepped forward and introduced himself as a tall brawny man stepped forward and announced, "like she said known to many or the world as electric arrow from the surge squad."

The boys looked on in amazement as Chen Dong grab one of his arrows and shot it at a target half a mile away from the grounds. "the electric arrow is just one of the hero I trained another is one story that led to tragedy and somewhat regret for the surge squad." The older looking man said to the boys. And with one look the boys knew that they had to start working as a team. "Wait just one question before we start." Leo asked both the man and Chen dong. "How do you both know Brooklyn?" he asked both of the men. Just then Brooke took her hands and made a sphere and began to grow it until she was completely engulfed in the ice sphere and then she there was a burst as her alter ego Ice warrior jumped out to show herself to the boys. "whoa!!!" the boys exclaimed as Brooklyn took off her mask to reveal her loving kind soft and beautiful eyes.

"So you were her the entire time?" Leo asked as he immediately recognized brook after her transition to her hero Alter ego. "Yes I was and I've seen many hero's and villain's and so will you however in order to gain the respect of others and gain the trust of the people you must learn to always choose the right path of the hero, and also learn that power can corrupt the weak minded if not careful. Now are you ready to begin the continuation of your training?" Ice warrior said as the boys gave each other a firm look as to what their decision would be. 

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