chapter 2: the day after

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As soon as the morning came the strange feelings inside Reece stopped and he felt a little less dizzy. However his sister said that she called the school last night and said he was sick which Reece greatly appreciated. Then what she told him next was completely shocking, "I think something may have happened at the lab with the tubes just make sure to come with me to the lab today alright?" she asked him and he replied to her with a simple yes, but he didn't think that there was anything was different with him. Just then as Reece was getting ready for the day he got a call from Leo and Keon. "hey dude are you okay because we don't see you in the school yard?" Leo asked Reece. He said he was fine, but his step-sister Brooke called the office and said he wasn't feeling so well last night. 

As he was getting ready for the day Brooke saw something weird on Reece's pillow that looked like a burnt hand print as she was getting her stuff out of his room. When she saw that she immediately knew something did happen at the lab when the explosion went off inside the tubes. As soon as she realized that she went back to her room and put her stuff down and started to think of all the possible things that might have happened during that explosion in the lab. while she was going through the possible outcomes that could've happened at the lab she got a call from the school saying that they got a call from her last night. She told them that Reece wasn't going to be at school today because she said that he was sick. So they just wanted to make sure that he was going to be taken care of. "yes he kept tossing and turning last night and his head was spinning and he had a really high fever." Brooke told the school and they asked her to make sure to let him know to feel better. "I'll be sure to tell him that okay have a nice day." she told them.

While Reece was in the bathroom he smelled something was burning while he was brushing my teeth, but it was probably nothing. when Reece was done in the bathroom he went to his room to get dressed. As he walked into the room he noticed that Brooke had left something in his room so he picked up and went to return it and the same burning smell was back, but he ignored it. "hey did you forget something." as he tossed the pen to her. "What? oh yeah thanks I was looking for it and are you're doing okay cause like I said there was a possibility that." she started to say when she smelled the burning of wood. "Do you smell something on fire?" she asked him. He told her that I did but I didn't know where it was coming from. Then I saw this look in her eyes as she looked at the pen and then at the door.

"What?" he asked as Brooke walked towards the door show him the mark on the door from his hand. 'whoa' Brooke thought to herself, but she knew that this needed to be explained at the lab. "that's weird right I mean that's crazy." he told her with a scared look in his eyes. "It's okay will go down to the lab and we'll see if there's a logical explanation for all this don't worry." that was probably the worst possible thing she could've said to him. but Brooke knew that her and Reece had to get answers for this and fast because she didn't know what the explosion did to the other two boys. "how is that supposed to calm me down or make me feel better?" he asked her. She told him that she didn't know how that would help but they needed to run some test while they were at the lab to see if anything changed while he and the other two boys were in the tubes. 

That made Brooke really worried so she had to talk to Leo and Keon about what was going on and if the same thing was happening to them. "well nothing like that, but there have been some small adjustments. Why is there something going on with you?" Keon asked Reece, he told Keon that everything he touched was either burning or it melts. "Brooke and I are going to the lab to do some test let me know if anything happens with you guys okay." Reece told them and they said they'll let him know if anything weird happens. "alright will let you know okay just don't worry okay." they told Reece over the phone. With the look of worriment and confusion stitch on his face that was like the worst thing to say to Reece right now. "Hey you ready we need to get down to the lower part of lab fast so that no one knows we snuck in come on I know a back way entrance." Brooke said to Reece. How could she know an entrance that he didn't know about, and why would she have another entrance to the lower portion of the lab? With these question in his head it was the hardest thing to think about anything else, but the fact that he didn't know why there were burns marks every time he touched something and didn't know the hell why.

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