Chapter 6: the team comes together

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As the training got underway the boys gave electric arrow a demo of what they can do and some failed miserably. "All right the one thing that I would give you is makes sure not to let your power control you now try again." Electric Arrow said as Leo the bravest to step forward tried again. "All right now, try connecting with your electricity once more." Chen Dong said as he showed Leo how to connect with his inner hero. As soon as he did Leo felt the sparks as he began to transform from his normal state to his blue striped electric blue eyed persona as well as be able to shock the target that was right in front of him.

"Nicely done Leo, now if one of the other two would like to step forward?" Chen Dong said as he motioned for the one of the other two to come forward. As Reece steps forward Electric arrow gives him a little advice on how to control his shield and use the shield to his advantage when in a fight. As the training session went on each of the boys were give a new way on how to use their powers during a fight. Each of the boys were put through the wringer during the training session and were wore down by the end of the day.

As they each went home they each received a threatening message from an anonymous source. "I know that you're a superhero and about your sister, I'm sure you don't remember me but I'll bet she does prepare to fight for her and your lives – N.K." the boys each texted each other the message and each had worried looks stitched on each of their faces. "So this means that we need to be careful and we need to work as a team right?" Leo texted both Reece and Keon as they started to worry about the danger that could be threatening to both their lives and Brooklyn's.

As a new day approached the boys all met up at school and all of them were worried about the text they received the night before. "hey so about the text do you guys know what the message meant and who sent it?" Reece asked as the boys met up before school started. The boys felt like they weren't alone that day as Leo started to feel like something in his head was wrong. "Is everything okay Leo?" Keon asked Leo as he saw that Leo's eyes were lighting up and his head was hurting him like lightning. Leo replied with the fact that he felt like there was an evil presence that was near them.

Both Keon and Reece give each other a look that maybe their friends just paranoid. "I know it's crazy, but just listen we get eerie texts from an anonymous person threatening our lives and Brooklyn's with a simple text and he says that he knows knightmare." Leo said to the others concerned about the whole ordeal. Both Reece and Keon looked at Leo as if they were confused about how he knew about knightmare. "Okay I read the stories in the newspaper when ice warrior fought him maybe some who knows him is taking revenge on us to try and take her down." Leo said to the guys as they walked into their math class. "All right class we're going to pick up where we left off yesterday everyone in the back do I have your attention Leo that includes you?" Their math teacher said as she tried to get the classes attention. "Yes ma'am you have my attention." Leo said as he tried not to let the teacher know that he would rather be somewhere else.

"come on Leo for once can you just pay attention in class like the rest of us?" Reece asked Leo as the school day got underway. During class Leo started to feel something about him was wrong like sick and unwell, but he brushed it off at first. However, during science class while doing an experiment he felt a sharp pain near both of his eyes and then when he opened his eyes all he could see was the heat in his own body and everyone else's. As the class went on the teacher asked Leo if he was all right. "Yeah I'm fine I just think that I need to use the bathroom, is that all right?" Leo asked his science teacher.

The teacher allowed it and Leo made a quick dash for the men's room. All right, just wash your face and this will all go away this will all go away. Leo thought to himself as he began to wash his face. As he finished washing his face he looked at the mirror and then he felt his eyes starting to hurt more than usual. He tried, but ultimately failed to keep the pain at bay as he saw what looked like laser shot out of his eyes. "Ow, okay looking at the mirror was probably not the smartest thing to do." Leo said as he felt the pain of the lasers from his eyes.

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