Crowd Pleaser

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Sunlight filtered through my curtains as I blearily opened my eyes. My whole body ached as I slowly sat up and stretched as best I could with all the bandages covering me. It's been about two weeks since Houston and the mess after it. Paul and Gene forced me on bed rest after seeing the extent of the burns and bruises from being thrown around and literally electrocuted. Thankfully, I added a potion's lab to my room and had quite a lot of potions ingredients, so I was able to I was able to keep a supply of burn and bruise paste. The bruises disappeared after a few days, but my burns were more extensive and required a lot of healing and well, my silk wizarding robes as they don't irritate my skin.

"Ava?" Paul's voice sounded from the other side of my door with a knock.

"One sec." I said, pushing back the covers and grabbing my satin housecoat. Once it was tied, I got up, grabbed my wand, and opened the door. "Morning Paul. Do you need something?"

"Just wanted to make sure you were okay and if you needed anything. We just arrived in Chicago." he said shuffling awkwardly.

"Wanna come in? I can put some tea on." I offered moving to the side.

"Tea?" I saw Gene's head suddenly pop into view. After the incident, he's been more open and nicer to me. Guess I proved my mettle in a fight.

"You can join too, Big Guy." I chuckled as he and Paul entered. "So, what will it be today? Earl Gray or something spiced since it's cold as fuck out?"

"Definitely spiced." they stated.

     I nodded and headed into the lounge with them on my heels. When we entered, I walked over to the kettle and filled it with water before activating the heating rune on it. Gene and Paul took over the plush armchairs while I put the spiced tea blend in the mesh diffuser and dropped it into the tea pot before setting the sugar, creamers, and cups on a tray. Once the kettle was whistling, I deactivated the rune and poured the hot water into the pot watching as the water turned into a rich reddish brown.

"How's your burns?" Gene asked as I placed the tray on the coffee table.

"Should be about another week, but my skin will still be really sensitive for a while after." I sighed pouring their tea and passing it out before grabbing mine and sitting down. "How's Ace? Still sulking in self-pity or drowning in alcohol?"

"Both. It's getting out of hand honestly. And he keeps bringing girls on the bus. If it wasn't for you sneaking about and using that spell of yours to make those gunshot sounds to scare them off, we wouldn't still be on schedule." Paul huffed adjusting his tea to preference. "Peter's doing what he can for damage control, but he's starting to fall down that rabbit hole too."

"So, you gonna not be a shadow once you're all healed? Kinda miss not seeing you flit around in the open." Gene looked at me from the corner of his eye.

"That was for two days. Did I grow on you that fast?" I snorted into my cup.

"I think he misses the massive meals you'd prepare." Paul laughed.

"The meals I make are still very large." I defended with a smile. "But being a shadow makes it easier on all of us, plus, I don't have to interact with Ace."

"You're going to have too eventually." Gene reminded me.

"Yeah, I know." I muttered looking at my tea. "Drugs are a real problem in this world, just like they are in mine."

"This is your world too, now. I contacted the Elder back on KISSteria and she said that there's no going back. It was a one-way connection." Paul explained. 

"Well, shit. Cause I don't have a lifetime supply of potions ingredients." I pouted. "Do you think if I made a list of all the ingredients I have and use, that you could maybe send it to her and see if there is an equivalent on KISSteria?" 

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