Rock and Roll Mystery

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     As Paul and I flew, the others joined us, and we landed on one of the landings of a temple themed ride. Spotting Shaggy and Scooby trapped on the spinning drums, they saw us as we all powered back up and landed on the ground below. Gene created a crater as he spun and blew fire. Eric landed with his hair in his face before extending his claws and stomping on the ground, causing pillars to rise, which he promptly slashed before roaring. Tommy stormed forwards as lightning struck the ground and he dodged it before kneeling down and gathering the energy, then throwing it and snapping. Paul's eye glowed as he spun around making pillars rise before shouting them away. I landed with fire and light flaring out under my feet as I threw my arms up creating wings to form behind me. Shaggy and Scooby looked to be in awe as Tommy threw out his hands and short circuited the ride.

"You picked the wrong park." I growled launching forwards while conjuring a sword out of light and igniting the blade. Eric also jumped with me and broke her scythe while engaged her in combat. 

"Phoenix, duck!" Gene shouted. Giving the witch a wicked smile, I did a handspring backwards and kicked the witch in the face as Gene breathed fire at her. Paul shot a laser out of his eye when she took to the sky.

"You'll never stop me." sneered the witch as red smoke gathered around her before she disappeared. "I'll be back for you, Phoenix and your little brat too."

Once she was gone, we flew off back to the administrative building. Fear gripped me as I burst into the building and almost flew up the stairs towards the living quarters. Sliding to a stop outside Paul's room, I opened the door slowly and saw Harry was sleeping soundly. Walking up to his side, I collapsed to my knees in relief and laid my head on the bed.

"Thank Merlin you're okay." I whispered before looking up and stroking his hair out of his face.

"Mama?" my precious boy mumbled cracking his eyes open.

"I'm here, Baby." I cooed giving him a relieved smile.

"Why you scared?" he asked.

"Mommy was worried you might have woken up and wandered off. That's all." I said getting up and placing a kiss on his forehead. "Go back to sleep. I'll be downstairs for a little bit. Uncle Manny will check on you later."

"Otay." Harry rolled over onto his side and drifted off. "I wove you, Mama."

"I love you too, my little Super Wizard." Smiling, I made to exit the room when I saw Paul standing there. He looked tired, and no doubt I did too. "He's safe, for now."

"Yeah, for now." Paul sighed pulling me into a hug and resting his chin on my head, being mindful of my tiara. "Avalon."

"You only use my full first name if it's important." I groaned looking up at him.

"I met with the Elder before coming back. She told me something about your clan." Paul led me out of his room, cracking the door and into a kitchenette.

"What about my clan?" I looked up at him as he sat me at the table before making me some tea.

"The Mythos Clan was the ruling family of KISSteria. When they were wiped out and you disappeared, the Council of Elders stepped up. With you back and gaining power, it means you'll one day rule KISSteria." He explained placing the tea in front of me and sitting down. "Granted with the Council around, you'll have more freedom than your predecessors did. But you're more than a noblewoman. You're a queen."

I paused mid sip.

"I'm a what?" I lowered my cup and looked at him. 

"It's probably why the witch wants you and Harry. With the Mythos Clan completely wiped out, KISSteria will crumble." I'd never seen Paul this serious.

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