Wedding Bells? More Like Wedding Riffs

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     We all gathered in the infirmary and watched over the gang as they slowly woke up one by one. Harry had been the first to wake up, while we had been on stage. When he saw Paul, his scream of Daddy made the crowd go wild as our son hugged his father. I couldn't help the smile at the sight. It still made me smile as I stood looking over the kids after healing their injuries. Fawkes perched on my shoulder and wouldn't stop preening my hair the entire time. My second death scare must have terrified the poor bird. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked the kids when they all woke up.

"What happened?" Daphne asked holding her head.

"You all passed out because of the witch's gas. It caused your senses to go haywire and for you all to hallucinate." I explained holding up the bag of residue. "Luckily, the infirmary had everything needed to treat the Hypoxia you all suffered because of it."

"Really?" Velma looked up at me. I nodded.

"You mean to tell me.." Shaggy started.

"It was all a figment of our imaginations." Velma finished. I inwardly sighed in relief. Thankfully, the guys had taken Harry out of the room so I could spin the story.

"Woah, that's deep." Shaggy said looking at Scooby who agreed.

"Whatever you experienced must have been one hell of a trip." I chuckled. 

"But like, you're wearing the same clothes as the version of you we saw blasting the Destroyer." Shaggy pointed at the fire themed dress I was wearing. It barely covered my breasts and wrapped around my back leaving my stomach exposed before trailing behind me showing off my legs.

"I had to do another costume change for my return performance later." I waved him off with a nervous laugh. "But I better make sure that Paul isn't stuffing Harry full of sugar. I'd hate to have to put a hyper toddler to bed. You guys can finish the investigation. Just take it easy."

Leaving the room, I headed down the hall where I could hear the high-pitched laughter of my son. Entering a meeting room, I saw Harry playing with Gene who was making faces at him. Only my son could turn the big fire breathing Demon into a teddy bear. Chuckling, I walked over to Paul and wrapped my arm around his waist and leaned into him to watch the scene before me. Crashing could be heard from the security room, making us all stop before running to the source. Gene had Harry in his arms when we entered the room to see the gang playing hot potato with the witch and diamond. Gene passed Harry to Paul before sneaking up behind her, she tried to punch him, but he ducked. She then flew off after Shaggy, but Eric jumped in front of her and grabbed something from her back before showing it to us.

"Look, she hid gas dispensers in her cape." Eric looked at it.

The witch pushed off the wall before flying across the room. Tommy stepped up and leaned back, grabbing her belt, causing her to crash into the screens and get tangled up.

"And here's the magnetic repulsor field belt she used for flying." Tommy gave it an unimpressed look before seeing the logo inside. "Ooh, Quest Research Laboratories. Good stuff."

"All stolen from her previous employer." Paul realized stepping out of the shadows with Harry and I in tow. I flipped on the lights so we could see better and walked up to the growling woman before us.

"Pretty good acting." I smirked ripping the helmet off. "But not good enough, Delilah."

"Delilah Domino?" Daphne gasped.

"The head security lady?" Shaggy asked.

"You guys should have known. We took the diamond from her locker." Fred rolled his eyes.

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