Part 10: A fight on the roof

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From the first person Ryuen

"Oh, on my behalf this time?" Ryuuen asked

"Why do we have to watch this bastard?" Sudo asked

"Sudo-kun, let's just watch in silence?" Horikita said

— This is the end of our class hour. I remind you that during the winter holidays you are obliged to behave decently, as befits the students of this school, and should not go beyond what is allowed. That's it.

Sakagami's words are highly valued, no matter how meaningless they may be. I took out my phone.

The day when I will strike has finally arrived.

The closing ceremony of the second semester took place today. All lessons ended early in the morning, and from now on we are free. Club classes were also canceled, and the school itself encourages students to leave as early as possible.

"Wait. If I'm not mistaken, Ryuuen was looking for someone at that time" Hashimoto said

"Ah, so this is the time when I was looking for a monster" Ryuen

In other words, in the near future there will be practically no students left in the school building.

— I excluded everyone I could from the list of suspects, but there are still about 10 possible candidates in it.

I've never even heard of some of them, but there's probably nothing you can do about it. Ideally, the search should have taken place without using Karuizawa, but, as expected, I was unable to track X.

— Well, I guess that means that now I, on the contrary, will only get more pleasure.

To be honest, I already have something on my mind, but at this stage it makes no sense to narrow down the circle of suspects. Rather, on the contrary, it will be much more interesting to face X without any preconceptions. After all, I have already made my move after the Paper Lottery.

I used every student in Class C, everyone I could, and assigned them "goals" to follow.

"Huh? So it was because of you that we were under surveillance all day long" Keisei said

But that doesn't mean that by just sitting on their tail, I can figure out the identity of X. Taking into account the risk of another large-scale problem, I did not force them to monitor the most vulnerable guys and girls. However, you can't take your eyes off punks like Sudou and Miyake.

"WHAT?!??!?!" Sudo shouted

Or someone conservative, like Hirata, who is most afraid of problems. However, this only hinted to these guys from Class D what a threat my actions pose. Although, in the case of Sudou, he turned out to be much more stupid than I imagined, so I was forced to provoke him directly. Anyway, the point of these actions is that X always knows that I'm watching him.

"WHAT A FREAK" Sudo shouted

"Sudo-kun, can you be quiet, please?" With a note of anger, Horikita asked

Now this person is probably trembling with fear every day.

"Pffffhahahahaha/Fufufufufufufu" Amasawa and Sakayanagi laughed

"Dragon boy, you have such funny thoughts" Sakayanagi said

""trembling with fear." Hahahaha, it sounded so funny" Amasawa said

"Oh, shut up" Ryuuen replied

Fear of "exposing your true face."

Again Sakanagi and Amasawa laughed

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