chapter 1

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overall summary

jess and grayson start dating, but it isn't always easy when youre boyfriend is internet famous.  there are a lot of fun adventures, but also a lot of temptations along the way.

quick authors note: im trying to make this story realistic, so sorry if its boring in the beginning, keep reading I promise it gets better!

jess's pov

"c'mon or you'll be late for school" our mom yelled to us.

today was our first day at our new high school in New Jersey. my mom, my dad, my twin sister liz and I moved here to New Jersey from Missouri. we were going into our sophmore year and we didnt know anyone.

its about half way through the year

liz and I got into my car and we headed to our new school

"you nervous?" liz asked me

" a little i guess, you?"

"yeah im pretty nervous too"

this was the first time going to a new school, we've never moved

we got to school, parked and walked in. the school itself was large compared to our old school, because we used to go to a private school.

liz and I had the same first period class so that made things better. and our lockers were right next to each others. we went to our lockers, and got our stuff. 

"i hope theres some cute guys at this school!" liz whisped to me

"me too!" I laughed

as we were at our lockers, we noticed a guy walking down the hallway with a bunch of friends.  every girl was starring at him.  im guessing he's the popular guy.  but man he was cute.

we walked to our first class, that luckily we had together, and saw the same guy in that we saw in the hallway.  we sat down and as I was looking around, I noticed him looking over at liz, a lot.

I leaned to liz

"i think that guy keeps checking you out" I told her with a smile

she glanced over towards him and he was totally looking

"at least there are some cute guys here " she said

"maybe he'll have a twin for you" she said with a wink

twins: a grayson dolan fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now