chapter 34

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jess's pov

I met taylor in his room at 2:20 and headed down to the lobby, and then walked to the beach.

we got to the beach, and taylor bough our surfboards and wet suits. he brought them over and taught me how to put the wax on the surfboard

then we put the boards on flat land and he showed me how to paddle, keep balance and stand up on it. after awhile on land, we headed to the water, it was pretty nervous.

we paddled out there and waited for a wave. when the wave came I did all of the things taylor taught me. before I knew it, I was standing up on the board, surfing! ..then I fell off, but I resurfaced and laughed. we surfed a little more and then we turned the surf boards in and layed out.

im a girl so I obviously like to tan, taylor layed next to me on his phone while I tanned. after about 20 minutes, someone picked me up and threw me over their shoulder.

"TAYLORRRR" I whined

"yesss" he said

he was halfway in the water already and I knew he was gonna throw me under


"too late" he said with a huge smile as he threw my into the water.

I re surfaced


"not if you cant catch me" he laughed

I chased and swam after him and when I caught him I tried to dunk him under but he was stronger than I was so he didn't even go under. we messed around in the water and then got out, dried off and then headed back.


when we got back, it was 3:50, so I jumped in the shower. when I was done, I blow dried it and put it into a pony tail, and did light makeup. I wore PINK yoga pants, a school spirit wear crew neck and moccasins.

I went out of the bathroom and checked my phone, 4:48. we had to leave soon. I finished up packing and met everyone in the lobby at 5, we said goodbye to everyone who lived in LA, including andrea and jenn. I was so upset to say goodbye because I don't know when i'll see them again.

we hopped in the limo and headed to the airport. like always, we all waited together, and at 6:20. liz, ethan, grayson and I boarded our flight home.

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