chapter 23

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authors note: i dont know exactly what digi is like so sorry if the story is completely wrong

jess's pov

at 3:25 I went down to the lobby where everyone is meeting. at 3:30 we got into the limo and went to the event.

it was a huge room with different tables where they would sit and take pictures.

they were set up by who they are like associated with. Andrea, and lohanthony were at a table together. Nash, Hayes, Taylor and Carter were together, Jack and Devin were together and Ethan and Grayson were together. there were a lot more people too. then at 4 they let fans come in and go down the line and get an autograph and picture.

liz and I stood by ethan and grayson for the first couple of fans. we didn't care that we weren't being introduced because we didn't want any rude fangirls. for the most part, the fans smiled at us or simply ignored us but a couple gave us a mean glare or said something under their breaths.

at around 4:20, liz and I left to go explore the town. it was so pretty. we did some shopping and sight seeing around the town and then went back to the event at around 6:50 because it ends at 7.

when the event was over, they had a little party with food and music and all that for just the performers. it was fun, everyone was dancing and singing and it was a lot of fun.

at 9 we went back to the hotel.

everyone went into their own rooms and chilled for a little then we all wen to nashs's room. the hallway had this little lounge area at the end, so I sat there for a minute to call my mom.

I had a 10 minute conversation with her and then I told her I had to go. bu t before I got a chance to get up, taylor Caniff sat down.

"hey" he said

"hi taylor" I said

"whats up jess?"

"nothing, I just got off the phone with my mom"

"why aren't you in your room with everyone else?" I ask

"no reason, I just wanted to talk to you, here, let me give you my number so we can talk after this" he said

"okay" I said as I handed him my phone

he gave me my phone back and we stood up to go to the room where everyone was. when I walked in, it was a mess! I looked around and saw that they had done a smack cam. I looked for grayson and saw him talking to nash. he had a bunch of shaving cream on the side of his face! I walked over to him and told him that he looked silly. he laughed and gave me a hug and kissed the top of my hug.

we all hung out until midnight and then went to our rooms like last night.

twins: a grayson dolan fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora