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"Alright! The DEAF video is online!", Eddy exclaimed and closed his laptop. He was sitting next to Brett's bed once again and had been working for the last three hours while Brett had been drifting in and out of sleep.

"Good! Thanks. Happy 250th Birthday, Beethoven daddy!", Brett said and toasted his imaginary glass to thin air. Eddy snorted.
"Shall we bake him a cake?", he asked and sat up on Brett's bed.
"Better not. Remember what happened, when we tried our last attempt on baking?"
"Haha, yeah", Eddy laughed, "the chocolate burnt, while we were doing push ups."
"Idiots", Brett chuckled, as he recalled the funny and literally sweet memory, when they had scooped out the not burnt part and had eaten it with cut fruits.

Brett had been gradually getting better the past three days since he'd been released from the hospital for the second or third, maybe even fourth time. He'd lost count. Both him and Eddy were feeling the tension and worry of the past two, three months slowly leaving their system, replaced by a new, careful joy and anticipation. Careful, because there was still fear of a possible relapse lingering. And there were many questions swirling in their heads, whenever they were tired, bored or, on seldom occasions, alone: Was it really going to be okay? Did they have the right diagnosis now? Or had the doctors fucked up interpreting the scans properly? How long would it take for Brett to recover fully? When would they have to resume making videos?...

And as if that wasn't enough, Brett had his additional set of thoughts on top of everything, all of them concerning Eddy and how and when the hell he was supposed to tell him the possibly life changing news and what the concequences would be.

He'd even called Ray once, when Eddy had been out getting groceries.
"Ahhh, so the pupil has come to seek the master", Ray had said after they'd exchanged pleasantries and Brett had updated him on his health status and asked him for advice.
"If you have experience in coming out to your best friend, then yes."
"I have not, just to clarify. But oh well... Brett, you just need to let things roll and when you feel it, just do it."
A typical Ray answer. Vague and not really helpful. And Brett had been once again asking himself, why he'd call this guy for help.
"That doesn't help", he'd said matter-of-factly.
"Or you can, you know, set up a super romantic date and hope he'll get the hint."
Brett had mentally recoiled upon hearing this suggestion.
"You know I'd never do something like that!"
"Why not? Isn't he worth it?"
"It's so cringe!"
"What? Showing true love? Don't be ridiculous, Brett."
"You're ri-"
"Think about it! You wouldn't have to say anything and based on how smart our Eddy boy is and on how many girlfriends I assume he pulled this one off, he's gonna know immediately. As soon as he gets the first whiff of a scented candle."
"Arrghhh", Brett had cried, "Nah! No way! I'd rather just tell him with actual words."
"If you say so... I gotta admit. It would be ooc for you."
"Very much so! I'd deny my whole identity."
Laughter had rung out of Brett's speakers.
"You're such an unromantic!"
"I'm just not living in a hollywood movie."
"Then stick with my first advice. Wait until you feel it. And also, wait until you're fully recovered. Otherwise, you might put him on the spot and he'd return your feelings out of pity."
"You think he'd do that?"
"Maybe... You're his best friend. I don't think he wants to hurt you in any way. He's such a harmonic guy"
"Hmm... Whatever. That's out of question anyway. I was going to wait until I'm good again. I have no brainpower for thinking too much about it at the moment."
"Figures. Ohh, but Brett!"
"Keep me updated!!! Please!"
"I try."
"I'm giving you free therapy sessions here. It's the least you can do."
Brett had chuckled. "You're right! Will do!"
"Great! Anything else?"
"Nah. Just stupid love stuff... Actually I'm kind of behind with arranging the orchestral part for the three mil Sibelius. Any chance you have time to..."
"Nah! Brett, as much as I love you, I've always been bad at arranging and notation and stuff like that. There is a reason I'm a violinist and not a composer. Also, I don't really have time. I have a few concerts coming up in Taipei."
"Alright, just thought maybe I can get out of this."
Ray had laughed at Brett's futile attempt and they'd hung up.

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now