Kage (Waffle-Ghost's OC)

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This is @Waffle-Ghost 's OC

Name: Kage

Okay, let's see if it matches the tribe. I know Kage means 'Shadow'.

Gender: Female

Female OCs are good!

Tribe: IceWing LeafWing

Well it doesn't exactly fit the name, but that's a nice hybrid overall.

Sexuality: Aroace


Appearance: White, green trail of scales run down her back to her leaf shaped tail. Gold scales crawled up her talons and shoulder to the gold brimming of her wings. Black tail tip.

Fits the tribes that she's mixed with pretty well! And pretty.

Personality: Complete opposite of her brother-loves making fights, enjoys insulting people, protective, almost evil. She adores being worshipped, but has a point every few days where she stops to wonder what she's doing with her life.

Evil personality; I like it! It's still evil though.

(Unaware) Animus


(Biological) Father: Ice- Shiver

Caretaker: Sea/Night- Aybss

(Biological) Mother: Leaf- Clover

Half siblings: Hive/Ice- Colony and Royal. Night/Leaf- Strawberry

Siblings: Sister Briar, Sister Esme, Brother Flurry, Male twin named Kurai

Other Kin: None

Well, she has other kin I'm sure your just not showing it, which is okay! Also, I think you mean Abyss, not Aybss.

Abilities: Leafspeak can control the tenpature of the area, frost-beath makes the an area suitable for things to survive.

*temperature* *frost-breath* A bit powerful, but okay.

Age: 6


Backstory: Put of the four of the eggs, Kage and Kurai seemed the weirdest Trouble followed them everywhere, and they were always at the scene of horrible thing (Dragons dying, destroyed building, etc). Most dragons would see it as a strange coincidence, but their parents weren't taking any chances. So they disowned Kage and Kurai, leaving them Abyss's orphanage for hybrids.

The first part I couldn't really understand, but I know what going on. O-o. And WHY do I feel like this is some sort of reference? Poor little things.

In all, her name doesn't exactly fit her tribe, but it means 'Shadow', not the worst. She looks like a hybrid between LeafWings and IceWings would probably look. She's kinda powerful for a WoF dragon, but not as bad as some (trust me, I've seen MUCH WORSE). I like that she is an Animus but doesn't know it, adds more power though... Her backstory is kinda sad, I like sad backstories.

Overall, I'll give her a 7/10, she could be improved, but she is pretty good overall!

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