Crow (_N4m3l3s5-1d10t__'s OC)

45 0 9

This is Crow @_N4m3l3s5-1d10t__'s OC!

Name: Crow

Okay! Does it fit the tribe(s)?

Tribe(s): Nightwing

I would say yes, their name fit their tribe.

Gender: Cismale


Age: 7

Sounds good.

Description: Black scales; Large black wings with starscales on the underside;

Short, but sounds like a NightWing's description.

Personality: Qhiet; Stealthy boi; SpEEEEEEEEd [I'm tired so am fool]

Abilities: Large wingspan; Fast flyer;

Not overpowered which is good.

Backstory: Im awful at writing backstory- im good at making it- but bad at writing it--- *sob*


Sexuality: Gae

*Gay* K, nice.

Anything else: Is training to be an assasin-

*assassin* I like assassins!

I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike this OC! Not overpowered. His description is short- but it's very NightWing. And I can never have enough gayness! His name fit his tribe. I think I'll give him... 8.5/10! I have my reasons.

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