High School Memories and Birthday Surprises

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As Sofia sat in the car on her way to McDonald's, she couldn't contain her excitement over the text she received from Nick, one of Matt's brothers. It had been six long years since they last spoke, and now she was invited to their 20th birthday party. Sofia's heart raced with anticipation, knowing she would finally see her best friend after so long. She couldn't help but imagine herself bursting into tears when she laid eyes on him again in just two days. True to her nature, Sofia spent hours in her room, meticulously picking out the perfect outfit and shoes for the birthday party. She wanted to make a lasting impression and cherish every moment of this reunion. Eventually, she settled on wearing the same outfit she wore when they first met in seventh grade, a nostalgic choice that held sentimental value. Fast forward to August 1st, the Triplets' 20th birthday. Sofia woke up with an overwhelming desire to scream at the top of her lungs, her excitement for the day ahead bubbling inside her. She carefully gathered the presents she made for them, a collage of photos representing their high school memories together—a small yet meaningful gesture from her heart. Nick couldn't help but check Sofia's messages, curious to know if she was able to make it. He discovered a voice recording of her ecstatically screaming F**k yes!" He couldn't contain his laughter, collapsing to the floor, hoping Sofia would be just as delighted to see him as he was to see her. Composing himself, he texted back, "Go to the front door." Sofia replied, "Hey Nick, happy 20th birthday, bestie!" Her eyes welled up with tears as she walked downstairs and opened the door, greeted by Nick's warm smile. "OMG Hey Sof, thank you so much. Come on in," he said.

However, Sofia's surprise didn't end there. Out of nowhere, Chris, another one of Matt's brothers, jumped out, scaring both Sofia and Nick. Sofia laughed, "Sofia, bestie, what the f**k is up, how've you been?" Sofia playfully responded, "Hey Matt, Chris, Happy Birthday, I love y'all so much." Nick then asked Sofia if she wanted to go up to his room to catch up on all the things they missed in each other's lives. Sofia nodded eagerly, and they ran up the stairs together. In Nick's room, they settled on the floor with a refreshing Dr Pepper and a pack of Jolly Ranchers. An awkward silence filled the air as they searched for a conversation starter. Sofia mustered up the courage and asked, "So Nick, got any tea to spill?" Nick shook his head, indicating there was indeed some interesting news to share. Sofia playfully encouraged him, "What's the least exciting bit of news you have?" Nick nodded, going along with Sofia's suggestion, "Well, I recently came out as gay!" Shock washed over Sofia's face as she screamed with excitement, her hand on Nick's shoulder. "No, shut up? That's amazing!" Sofia hugged Nick tightly, offering her support. "Bestie, as you f**king should, and that isn't the least exciting."

Taking a sip of his Dr Pepper, Nick continued, "Thank you so much, bestie. I'm glad you're supportive. So, how about you? What's the tea?" Sofia took a deep breath, preparing herself to share her secret. "Okay, here's the mother of all teas. It's not a big deal, but I recently came out as bi. But apart from that, to be honest, nothing else." Nick's eyes widened in surprise, and a grin formed on his face. "OMG, slay bestie. Wait, that reminds me of a TikTok sound; hold on, I'll try to play it for you." Nick activated Siri, requesting Domo Wilson's Bi-National Anthem. The catchy tune filled the room, and they both started to dance around, laughing and enjoying the moment. Sofia sang along to the lyrics, feeling empowered and proud of her identity. Eventually, the song ended, and the party started winding down. Sofia, Nick, Chris, and Matt reconvened in the living room. Matt greeted Sofia with a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug. "Hey Sof, it's been so long since we last spoke. How's it going?" Sofia blushed, returning the affection with a playful fist bump. "Hey Matt, I know, life is good right now; thanks for asking. Oh yeah, that reminds me, I'm sorry I forgot to give these to you earlier. I hope you like them."

With curiosity piqued, Chris, Nick, and Matt eagerly opened the gifts Sofia had prepared for them. Chris's eyes welled up with tears, and Nick's jaw dropped in awe as they discovered a beautifully arranged collage of photos capturing their high school memories. Nick couldn't help but shed a tear, transported back to each moment the photos were taken, reliving the joy and friendship they shared. Chris expressed his gratitude, saying, "Sofia, this is the sweetest and most meaningful gift we've ever received in our lives, no cap! Seeing Sofia's radiant smile, Matt's heart swelled with affection, knowing deep down that their bond went beyond friendship. However, they hadn't yet admitted their true feelings for each other. In that moment, Chris proposed an idea, hoping to prolong the celebration and deepen their connection. "Bestie, why don't you stay over for the night? It'll be a good chance for all of us to catch up and share everything that's happened in our lives. The question is, are you down?" Sofia scoffed playfully and replied, "Yes, of course, I'm so down. What do you want to do first?" The room fell into an expectant silence until Sofia broke it with a mischievous suggestion, "We could play 'Spin the Bottle: Extreme Edition'?" Nick eagerly approved, exclaiming, "Genius, I'm in! How about you two?" Chris and Matt responded in perfect unison, "Yes, that sounds fun." With laughter and excitement filling the air, they gathered in a circle, ready to embark on a night of reminiscing, connection, and the possibility of newfound love.

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