Love, Friendship, and Life's Rollercoaster - Sofia

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Sofia's POV: The whole asking Matt if he still loves me thing was really getting on my nerves, so much so that I started to feel lightheaded and started to see double. My head is spinning, and I start to groan in pain as it throbs. Soon, I give in to my nerves, and my body starts to fall to the floor. A few seconds later, Nick and Chris, who were talking to each other, stop when they hear a thud. They rush over to me and catch me a split second before my body actually hits the floorboards.

Chris's POV: Not having enough time to comprehend what just happened, I catch Sofia's body as she falls to the floor. I scream out, "Nick, get here now!" Nick rushes over and asks, starting to panic, "What the fk happened?" I reply, panicked but calm at the same time, "She passed out." I lay her down on the bed, trying to get her to respond: "Sofia, bestie, can you hear me? Come on!" Nick puts his palm against her forehead, then replies, wanting to help her as much as he could, "She's ice cold, and she has no pulse. Call Matt and 911 now!" I nod and call 911. Soon after, Matt comes running into the room and asks, "OMG, is she okay?" Nick tells Matt that Sofia passed out; she's ice cold and has no pulse. Walking to her, Matt replies, "OMG, Fk, I hope she's okay and that it's nothing serious." Nick and I nod, "Same." Matt gets off the phone with 911 and says, "They said to stay with her and monitor her condition. Don't worry, I'll stay with her." He holds her hand and strokes it with his thumb; I can tell that he's concerned about her, maybe because he got the idea that we were talking about how Sofia wanted to ask him if they could become boyfriend and girlfriend.

In the ambulance (all three triplets POV): The ambulance had arrived at our house to take Sofia to the hospital. The paramedic tells us that Sofia will need to stay in the hospital overnight in order for us to get a definite diagnosis. Nick wonders if she'll be okay. The paramedic replies, "We hope so; please don't worry; she's going to be in good hands." I nod, wiping the tears from my face and crying, "She's my best friend, and I don't ever want to lose her. I don't know what I'll do without her by my side." Chris and Matt reply, "Nick, look at us. She is going to be okay, we promise." I nod and say, "Okay, thank you."

In the hospital: Sofia is taken into a room and laid on the bed with a pulse motor on her index finger and an oxygen mask over her to help her start to breathe at a somewhat normal pace. We all sit on the chairs that are scattered around her room, hoping that she's going to be okay and trying to see the bright side of the situation. A few minutes later, she opens her eyes and groans as she looks around the room to see us for the first time since she passed out. She smiles at us and says, "What happened? Where am I?" Nick answers, "Thank god you're okay, bestie; you're in the hospital; you passed out when you were about to ask Matt if he could be your boyfriend. And don't worry, hahaha, he still doesn't know." Matt walks up to her and says, in a gentle yet soothing voice, "Hey Sof, how are you feeling?" She turns in her bed and says, "Hey, Matt, I'm feeling a little better, but my head is still throbbing." Chris says, "We're just glad you're okay."

Sofia asks both appreciatively and curiously, "How long was I out for?" Matt says, "For two hours, we tried shaking your shoulders, asking you to open your eyes, and patting your back, but nothing seemed to be working, and you didn't respond to anything that we did. After a while of trying to get you to respond, After a while, we started to think that you had died." Sofia cuts him off and says, "Aww, I'm so sorry that you guys had to see me like that; I'm just glad that you guys are here for me; I love and appreciate you all so much." Nick, Chris, Sofia, and I give each other the biggest group hug ever.

Soon a nurse (her name is Maddie) comes in to check on Sofia and how she's doing and asks, "How are we doing here?" We all look at her, and Sofia replies, "Good, I definitely feel a lot better, but I'm curious as to the visiting hours." Maddie nods and says, "Our visiting hours are from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. That's good to hear. Would you guys like anything to eat or drink, by any chance?" Sofia looks at us and says, "Thanks, and yes, please, could we get four apple juices?" Maddie says enthusiastically, "Of course, give me a second." She nods her head. We get our apple juice, and Maddie breaks some sad news to us. "Unfortunately, we have a strict one guardian per patient policy, so who's staying?" Without hesitation, Matt says, "I will stay with Sofia." (Time in the story: 10:57 p.m.) Maddie looks at her watch and says sympathetically, "I'm sorry, but you guys are going to have to leave now; visiting hours are up." Sofia cuts Maddie off and asks, "Can I have one more hug from the guys (Nick and Chris)?" Not caring what the answer was, they give her a big hug one by one then leave the room. Now it was just Sofia and me.

Sofia's POV: The room falls uncomfortably silent as Matt and I are the only ones in my room. I couldn't stand the silence, so I ask Matt, "Hey Matt, you know I love you, right?" He strokes my hand and says, "Yeah, of course I do, why?" My hands start to shake as I pass a folded piece of paper to Matt. He grabs it out of my hands; I can see his eyes move as he reads the page. He passes it back to me and asks, clearly scared for me, "Sof, what the hell is this?" His question triggers the tears to run down my face, leaving me unable to say a complete sentence without stuttering. "Matt, that's my will. A will is a letter that someone writes when they think they're going to die. This is mine, and if I die today, I want you to take a photo of it and send it to every number that's on the back. Once that's done, I want you to show the photo to the doctors and nurses that tried to help me get better."

Matt is speechless as he gasps with his hand over his mouth; once he pulls himself together, he says, his voice shaky, "Are you insane? There is no way in hell you're going to die in any way in this hospital. I will literally give you mouth to mouth resuscitation just to save your life, and I will do so until your heart is beating at a healthy rhythm; do you understand?" Not knowing what to say, I cover my mouth with my hands in shock, but at the same time, I'm flattered. I say in a baby-like voice, "So are you saying that you'd kiss me if I'm ever in any type of pain or dying, until I'm back to my normal cheeky self?" He nods. I want to test a theory that I had. I sigh, then start to well up in tears (don't worry, I'm not in pain). He comes running up to me; he lifts up my oxygen mask off of my face and places it on my head, then kisses my lips for a good two minutes. I pull away and smile while looking into his icy blue eyes. I yawn and say, "I'm getting pretty tired; wanna cuddle with me until I fall asleep?" He looks at me and crawls on my bed and cuddles with me. Soon I drift off.

I wake up to the sound of beeping machines and the gentle hum of the hospital room. Matt is still beside me, his arm draped protectively over my waist as he sleeps. I glance at the clock on the wall; it reads 6:30 a.m. The soft light filtering through the curtains signals the beginning of a new day. As I shift slightly, Matt stirs awake, his eyes fluttering open. He looks at me with concern etched in his features, "Hey, how are you feeling this morning?" His voice is gentle, filled with genuine care. I manage a weak smile, "Better, thank you."

The events of last night flood back into my mind, and I can't help but feel overwhelmed with emotions. Matt reaches out to brush a stray strand of hair from my face, his touch comforting. "I'm sorry about everything, Sof. I didn't mean to upset you," he says softly, his eyes searching mine for reassurance. I reach for his hand, intertwining our fingers. "It's okay, Matt. You didn't do anything wrong," I reply, sincerity lacing my words. "I just... I needed to tell you how I feel." He nods understandingly, his gaze unwavering. "And I'm glad you did. I just want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what." His words warm my heart, and I feel a surge of gratitude towards him.

The door creaks open, and Maddie, the nurse from last night, enters the room with a bright smile. "Good morning, Sofia. How are you feeling today?" she asks cheerfully, checking the monitors beside my bed. I give her a grateful smile, "Much better, thank you." Maddie nods, jotting down some notes on her clipboard. "That's great to hear. I'll let the doctor know you're awake." With a final smile, she leaves the room, leaving Matt and me in comfortable silence. I turn to Matt, a playful glint in my eyes. "So, about last night..." I trail off, teasingly raising an eyebrow. He chuckles, shaking his head, "Let's not talk about that, shall we?"

We spend the rest of the morning chatting quietly, our conversation ranging from mundane topics to deeper discussions about life and love. As the hours pass by, I feel a sense of contentment settle over me, knowing that I have someone like Matt by my side. Eventually, the doctor arrives to check on me, and after a thorough examination, he gives me the all-clear to go home later in the day. Matt and I exchange relieved smiles, grateful for the good news. As the sun sets outside the hospital window, Matt helps me gather my belongings, and we prepare to leave the hospital together. Walking out hand in hand, I feel a sense of hope and happiness wash over me, knowing that no matter what challenges life may throw our way, I have Matt by my side, ready to face them together.

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