Breaking Down Walls- Sofia

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TW Panic Attack, asthma attack

Sofia had been having troubling thoughts the past week, thinking that she was worthless and that all her friends were pretending to be friends with her. Chris had been concerned about her health, especially the fact that she wasn't sleeping. He hoped she knew that he was here for her. Chris came home from the mall and heard a scream coming from the bathroom.

As Chris' heart shatters upon seeing his daughter on the floor, he sprints up the stairs to the bathroom, trying to open the door, but it is locked. "Sof, are you okay, sweetie?" Chris cries out, banging his fists against the door. There is still no response, so he shouts again, this time in a louder voice, "Sof, are you okay, sweetie?" Still no response. It was at that moment that Chris knew he had to make sure Sofia was okay, one way or another, so he kicked the door down. He kicks it down to see her on the floor, hyperventilating as tears flow down her face, in her black tracksuit. Chris rushes to Sofia's side and holds her in his arms, soothing her and asking what happened, desperately trying to get any sort of answer from her. The second Sofia meets Chris, her blue eyes calm down, and she knows she is surrounded by people who love and care for her dearly.

Sofia's body trembles as she recalls the traumatic experience, but Chris's embrace gives her a sense of security and comfort that she desperately needs in that moment. She finally opens up to him, telling him everything that happened and feeling grateful for his unwavering support.

He immediately calls Matt, who was in her room with Nick at the time, and tells them to find Sofia's inhaler and come into the bathroom. Nick and Matt soon arrive, and Matt rushes over to Sofia, handing her the inhaler while rubbing her back and assuring her that everything will be fine. As Sofia puffed on her inhaler, she felt her heart rate drop. After every puff, Sofia seemed calmer and calmer, knowing that she was surrounded by her family, who loved and cared for her, no matter what. After she calmed down, Chris asked, "Sofia, what's made you like this?". Sofia looked around and coughed, "Well, I've been having these thoughts for the last week or two; I've been having thoughts that tell me I'm useless and that all my friends are pretending to be friends with me. Chris listened attentively and reassured Sofia that those thoughts were not true and that she was valued by her friends. He suggested that she speak to a therapist or counsellor who could help her work through these negative thoughts and feelings.

Nick said, "Sofia, you do realise that you are a sister to us?" Sofia's eyes widen as she locks eyes with Nick, saying," Thank you so much, Nick. Your words mean a lot to me, and I feel blessed to have such an amazing family."

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