Flashback to Sofia's First Day- Sofia

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(Sofia flashbacking
(Nick was still straight in her flashback) 3am the next morning)

TW(Hospital, almost death, Blood)(Sofia's first day at LAHS): As I walk through the front of the school, feeling a mixture of nervousness and excitement about the opportunities that are available to me in my last two years of high school. I clench Nick's hand as tight as I could, he asks reassuringly, You ready Babe. I inhale and say, Yep. Nick kisses my hand and comforts me, Babe trust, you are gonna love it here. What room are you in for your home room? I navigate my timetable before replying with, Uh 402, Why? Just to be sure she checks her timetable again. Nick's jaw drops to the floor, Same, Wow what a pleasant surprise. Feeling relieved, I say, Oh thank god, I wont be alone. Curiosity was written all over Nick's face, he snatched the piece of paper out of my hands and analysed it carefully before announcing it, Bubba, I have good news and sad news.

My eyes widen as I say, Good news first please? Nodding, Nick cheered, Were both in the same classes! Sad news, we will probably get sick of being around each other because we will always be with each other. I say hoping that he would see the sad news in a more positive light, Baby, if that ever happens, we still know that we belong with each other, right. Chuckling, Nick answers, Sofia, you are so right. The first period is about to start. What do we have? Still trying to figure out how to read my timetable, I suddenly finally got the hang of it. I answer, Chem in Lab 609, right? Nick says, as he stares into my eyes, Yep, we sure do, with a smirk on his face. With a pout on my face, I ask, Babe, why are you smirking, stop, you know it makes me feel awkward? Trying not to laugh, he answers, Hahaha, sorry it is just the room number of our chemistry room, that's all Seconds later, it all clicks in my head. Bursting out into laughter, OH. My. god., How could I be so clueless

At Lunch (Nick's POV): As I walk into the cafeteria with Sofia by my side, I see my friends waving at me. As I sit down at the table, Introduce Sofia to my squad (Lianna, Matt, Chris, and I). An awkward silence arises over us until I say, Hey Guys, hope you are all doing amazing. I know exactly what you are all thinking, Who is this girl that is sitting next to me? This is Sofia, my girlfriend. Today is her first day here, she moved over here in the summer. Please make her feel welcome. My heart warms up when I see Sofia enjoying her new high school life.

Sofia's POV: As time went by, I have been fitting in and doing well at school, but I noticed that Nick was slowly slipping away from me. Something about him made me get the impression that he was hiding a big secret from me. It all started in Biology, Nick was sitting in the middle of a bench with Tyler and me. For some unknown reason, he ignored me for the entire class and only spoke to Tyler about God knows what. Enough was enough, I confronted him after school and interrogated him asking him, Hey Babe, are you mad at me? With a confused look on his face he answers, Omg, Of course I am not. Why would you think that?

Looking down at the ground, I say as my eyes fill up with salty tears, Well you kind of ignored me in Biology. I just wanted to know why, that is all. Letting out a sigh, Nick says, It's Complicated. Not having any of it, I say, trying not to lose my patience, No go on, I've got time. Suddenly, Nick says, Okay I will, please dont take this the wrong way, but I feel like Ive been spending more time with you and less time hanging out with my friends''. My heart shatters into a million pieces as I say, OH, okay then. I guess I will see you around then. Have fun with your friend. Bye Nick

Chris's POV: I get a text from an unfamiliar number saying, Hey Chris, can we talk, it's urgent. I decided to do what anyone else would do if they got a text from an unknown number and type, Who is this? The person replied to Sofia from school. I gasped and asked, How did you get my number? Oh, Nick Probably gave it to you. Wait do you wanna call? Sofia responds with Yes please. *Their call begins* I start the conversation off by saying, Hey Sof, Whats up? Sofia answers, Its Nick, hes been acting like hes trying to hide something from me. Intrigued by the topic and the direction that Sofia was going into I add, Yeah, I agree, rumour has it that he likes Asher, I'm talking more than just friends. I gasp and ask, Wait for real though? I say, Yup, Trust me. Ever since July last year, they have been together. Give it time, either you will find out yourself or he will have no choice but to tell it to your face. Sofia screamed, Wait, Wait, Wait. So, what youre trying to tell me is that I'm his side chick?

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