I'm sorry I couldn't save you...[BFF/Ship]

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Screams, crying, and singing was all Annie could hear as she continues to flee from the streets looking for a safe place to hide.

Everything was utter chaos; people were looking for families and friends who managed to survive this whole ordeal. Those unlucky ones who managed to find whom they were looking for, were mostly too late and were forced to either engage in a rap battle or run away, knowing that the person they once cared for is no longer the same. Either way, they were doomed from the start.


Annie, Garcello, Pico, and both Spooky boys were headed off to hang out and eat in Mcdonalds, they were chatting about their days, tho most of the chattering was from Skid and Pump who were talking about their adventures while the other three listened with interest.

Once they were near Mcdonalds, Garcello started coughing a bit, which caused the group to stop in their tracks. "Whoa man, are you alright?" Pico asked with concern. "Yea, I'm fine littl-" Garcello started coughing more, Annie patting his back making sure that he was alright.

Once the coughing calmed down, Garcello spoke again, "I'm sorry about that little man, I'll stay here for a bit." He said, pointing at the alleyway that they passed a couple of seconds ago.

Annie frowned after hearing what he just said "Garcy, I don't think that's a good idea, you're already coughing badly."  She said, knowing what he was planning to do.

Before Garcello could reply, Skid and Pump's stomachs growled in hunger, "Miss Annie.." "Were hungry.." Both Skid and Pump spoke, completing their sentences. "You guys go ahead, I'll be there soon, I'll just have one cig, I promise Annie." 

Annie hesitated but soon agreed, "Alright, we'll be waiting for you there, but only ONE cig Garcy! You promised you'll tone it down.." She reminded him. "I promise, now go on, Skid and Pump must be starving already." "Fine, see you soon Garcy," Annie said as she held Skid's hand while Pico held Pump's then started heading back toward Mcdonalds. "See you soon, Kitten." He smiled before going towards the alleyway.

20 Minutes passed, and the 4 of them were already munching on their orders, but Annie couldn't help but worry over her friend. "Hey, cheer up An, I'm sure he will be back soon," Pico said to her, trying to ease her worry. "I hope so.." She replied, not bothering to look at Pico, and continued looking at the window. 

Pico only grew more concerned towards his friend, despite his tough persona and seemingly a person who you would think didn't care about anything at all, he in fact deeply cared about his friends. "C'mon water gal, you haven't even touched your food, heck, you haven't even taken a sip of your drink! You ALWAYS start drinking as soon as you grab ahold of the cup." Annie ignored his concerns, so he sighed and looked towards the spooky boys, who seemed to be on the other side of the window where Annie was looking at.

Both boys seemed to be looking at something, which Pico couldn't see, so out of curiosity, he stood up and went towards them. As Pico approached them, Pump turned around, seemingly noticing his near presence. "Pico, Pico, come look!" He shouted as he pointed towards some shadows.

Pico approached the window to see what was going on but was shocked at what he was looking at. "Look! It's Boyfriend and Girlfriend, and they are wearing some spooky costumes!!" Skid pointed out, jumping with joy. "Yea! Is it already spooky month? Can we go trick-or-treating tonight?? Please, please, please Mister Pico!!" Pump exclaimed. Pico ignored them as he continued to stare at Bf closely.

Annie and Garcello one-shots (Making a Remake)Where stories live. Discover now