Ghostly Roommates Part 1 [BFF]

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Ghostly Roommates Rewritten.


 2 Months Ago

On a day like any other, Annie and Garcello strolled along the familiar streets. Engaged in a lively duet, they paid no heed to the gray clouds gathering overhead, portending an impending downpour.

The heavens opened suddenly, raindrops splattering around them like staccato notes. In a moment of synchronized intuition, they scanned the street for sanctuary.

Garcello's keen eye spotted an abandoned building in the distance. Without hesitation, he seized Annie's hand, his urgency sending her yelping. As they sprinted towards the rusty doors, rain cascaded around them. Annie, realizing their destination, pulled Garcello along with her, laughter bubbling up at the abrupt twist of events.

Shutting themselves inside the building, the cacophony of rain and wind soon surrounded them. They knew they'd be here for a while.

Within the dilapidated room, their exploration began. Gray, dust-covered walls lined with cracks met their gaze, and a colossal, timeworn stage dominated the center.

"Hey, Garcy," Annie mused, her voice echoing in the vast emptiness. "Don't you think this place looks like an old opera house?"

He pivoted from peering out of a window to survey their surroundings. "Hm, I guess it does."

As their curiosity guided them deeper into the building, Annie heard voices nearby.

"Tanner, look! People!"

"Who might it be no-"

"I bet they can help us!"

"Marie, please... don't you remember the clown?"

Annie observed as these ethereal figures conversed. Her fascination grew, for these were not mere phantasms like Garcello's ghostly form. These were genuine apparitions, albeit far distinct from Garcello.

'Maybe there are different types of ghost forms?' she pondered silently.

While Annie contemplated the diversity of ghostly appearances, she remained oblivious to the twins' curious eyes fixated upon her, engrossed in their own conversation.

"Hello there, kind fella!" a white apparition spoke, offering her a gentle smile.

One ghost sported fluffy white hair, dressed in white pants with a matching bowtie, a black shirt concealed beneath a white suit adorned with four black buttons, and flaps reminiscent of a wedding dress.

The other was entirely black, boasting silky, midnight hair. Clad in black pants and a formal suit with four white buttons, she exuded an air of refinement. Her attire was complete with a white shirt and a black bowtie.

Annie hesitated, contemplating the surreal situation before her. Before she could utter a word, Garcello came rushing to her side.

"Annie! Are you okay? I heard voices. Is anyone here with you? Did they harm you?" His protective demeanor emerged, his eyes narrowing as he glared at the apparitions.

"Garcy, I'm fine! They didn't do anything; calm down!" she reassured him. Slowly, he lowered his hands, the glint of suspicion waning. The two ghosts, though beyond the mortal realm, trembled slightly under his teal-haired stare.

"I apologize for him," Annie interjected, her voice smoothing the tense atmosphere. "He's quite chill; it's just that he's overprotective."

"We understand. My sister used to be like that," the white ghost conveyed, a playful nudge from the other confirming their words. Laughter ensued, easing the tension.

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