Chapter Thirteen

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The falls are a majestic sanctuary, a place of asylum from the dreaded complications of life beyond this grove. Even now, as fast as my heart is racing, still recovering from the depths of hot sludge that blocked my throat and blinded by eyes, the sight of the cascading rush of water descending into the pool shaped like a moon half phased brings a peace I usually cannot achieve.

Death still lingers on my mind. I constantly bring myself to the brink of it, but this time was different. My gaze casts onto the prince walking silently beside me, his eyes locked onto the location we've traveled so far to reach, through the day and threat of night in unknown territory.

He pulled me out.

I struggled, my throat filling with mud hot from the planet's inner embers. It, like all the other times, was long enough to feel the familiar pulsing inside—the one that is almost sure I won't make it out, that the eerie unknown has finally come to claim me.

For as long as I can remember, that dreaded notion has followed me—in the form of kingsman breaking down doors, thieves looting the ship's cargo, the unknown enemies that know my name only by reputation. There are quite a lot of people ready to see me meet my end.

Maybe that is why this—this right here—is so puzzling.

This man should want to kill me most of all.

His honor depends on it... his reputation, the love of his family.

He had his chance, just now. Why didn't he take it?

Why did his eyes show fear, even concern when I've done nothing but give him cause to hate me?

Since he found himself amused in my presence, he hasn't birthed a single smile, hasn't even glanced in my direction. After running so speedily, his impressively thick waves of black hair ripple down to his shoulders, damp in some places. My eyes drop to the hand he holds against his chest, to the shirt underneath the waistcoat, hanging open, revealing a bit of hair between his pecs.

Damn, he's enticing to look at.

While many men have the ability to catch eyes, it's not so often I cannot look away.

Even looking as troubled as he does right now, lines of distress formed at the very corners of his eyes, he looks young. Maybe even younger than he is. I wonder how many years set us apart... maybe two, maybe three.

As the mud has solidified against my clothing, it's become harder and harder to move as swiftly as he can. My hair is like a brick, making my head throb from the weight of it. The water looks salivating, so inviting right now.

And the crystals... they are the sight that finally breaks the prince's hard exterior.

His eyes widen as we get close enough to see the colors of them. While the stones in the caves were clear, these are a range of hues, charged with energy under the moon's powerful glow. Even without the usual noiseless lightning that fills our skies, they look ready to be plucked from the pools.

"I've...never seen anything like this before," he says, his eyes traveling up the waterfall to the very top of the cliff it's falling from. There's a calm in this place, a feeling of oneness, that isn't so understood outside these forests. Whenever I'm here, there is no Michel.

There is no threat of danger.

There is only me and nature. Me and the energy of something beyond my comprehension.

"It's a secret, one I'm surprised Leona let you see." The colors within the pool are bright enough to reflect warm rays of color onto our faces. "There are many people who would consider this treasure, who would destroy this entire island to have this."

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