Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Rayan's eyes are wide, his jaw tight once my account ends, his affluent garments billowing against the incoming winds. I inhale finally, holding the now drained flask in my hand, waiting for him to speak.

He hasn't uttered a word since I started.

Finally, he sighs, leaning his back into the stone column of the tower. "I'm going to need another drink after that."

I look down. "Was I right to tell you?"

When I lift my gaze, he's flashing me a cutting, how-could-you-ask-that glare. "Of course. I may not understand all of it, but I know about desire, brother."

"But it's not desire. Not just."

"Clearly." He wrings his hands, which were stiff listening to my long tale. "I don't know what I need to say... but I want it to be right."

"Say what you mean. Be honest."

He stands up, breathing in the salty air. "I feel for you, Antony. I can imagine the struggle you've been experiencing. I also see why you've put off telling father about this... and I think you were right to."

My gut sinks, as I knew it would. "You think he'd refuse to hear of it?"

He shakes his head, pacing. "I truly don't know. He suffered when you were captured. It may ease him to know you were never in danger but... even if he were to forget what her father did, he wouldn't forget that she's a pirate... that she's killed."

"What other option was there for her to do?" I bring my knee down. "She was sold, Rayan. She was picked up by the captain of that ship and brought into their crew. It was the only place she felt she had to go."

He holds up his hands. "You're speaking facts, Antony. I'm not refuting that. You're imagining this playing out as if our father has a rational mind. When it comes to this family, her family, he doesn't."

"I can't imagine being sent to kill her, Rayan. Not when I know the truth."

He breathes in, crossing his arms, thinking. "Father said you're going to Crosslin. Tomorrow?"

I nod. "I'm looking to build my guard. There's someone there I knew when we were kids."

He stops pacing. "Well, I say you go and think about what you want, Antony. If this woman is truly worth it to you to go to father and contest her crimes... if you still feel the same, write to me and I will be here, ready to speak to him with you when you return."

I stare at him, at a loss. "You were threatening her life with a noose not even a month ago."

"When I thought she was ripping your fingers off or feeding you to the deep, for fuck's sake."

"You'd speak on her behalf?"

"I'd only be doing it for you," he snaps, looking much more like my brother than he was a few moments ago. I surge off the ledge, grabbing his shoulders, pulling him into me.

"Thank you, brother."

He sighs heavily once I pull back. "If I'm to be king someday, I should really learn how to say no to you, shouldn't I?"

I grin, stepping down onto the tower stairs. "I quite like this arrangement."

"I'm sure you do," he grumbles, following behind me.

The halls are empty at this hour. Not due to the elite finding slumber—no, at night the palace comes to life on this wing of the castle and the members of court find nocturnal bliss in a mist of lavish parties, occasionally drugs and always debauchery.

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