chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own glee

Kurt was a senior at NYDA and Honey and Devin just started kindergarten and Mercedes is still at home with Blaine because he was waiting for Kurt to graduate NYDA before he got his teaching started because Kurt insists doing everything hisself or with Blaine.

"Honey Rose Jule Hummel-Anderson and Devin Jordan Alexander Hummel-Anderson you guys get your buts down here right now or you will be late for the bus." "But MooMoo I can't find my braces." "They are in here with your shoes."

Just then he saw Devin crawling to the chair "HONEY IF I HAVE TO TELL YOU AGAIN YOU ARE GOING TO BE IN BIG TROUBLE." "I'm coming." Just then Kurt saw his spitting image come into the kitchen and sat down next to her brother you could never tell they were premature babies just by looking at them now at five they are as tall as their peers.
"MooMoo look."

Just then Mercedes came running into the Kitchen "Mercedes Elizabeth July Hummel-Anderson what have I told you about running in the kitchen?" Mercedes look up and she looked just like Blaine from her big brown eyes to her long curly black hair she was even shorter than some of the other kids her age.

Just then there was a knock at the door and Honey and Mercedes were both running to the door but Blaine answered the door before them. "Where is my favorite nieces and nephew?"

Alex opened his arms and bent down to their level. "Uncle Alex." Alex gave both of the girls a hug and went to give Devin a hug but saw Kurt put his braces on him. "Uncle Alex look." He held up his other brace and it had Batman on them.
"Those are so cool Dev now where is uncle Alex's hug." "Is uncle Sebastian with you?" "No he had to stay with the baby." "oh." Devin looked sad "Don't worry Devin worrying will ruin the first day of school vibe. Do you want to do that?"

Devin shook his head no just then they heard the horn for the bus. "Shoot I don't have Devin's other brace on or his chair. Can you get his chair while I put his brace on him?" Alex did as told and got Honey out the door. "The driver said that she will go back around."

Kurt and Alex work as a team and by the time they got Devin down the steps the bus showed up and the bus aide put down the lift. Kurt put Devin on the lift and kissed him goodbye. "MooMoo will Papa be awake when I get home?" "Yes when I leave Papa will have to be a wake with Sadie." "ok I love you MooMoo" "I love you too baby" Kurt watched as the bus aid strapped Devin in after he shut the door and step back watch the bus leave

At school

Devin waited until the bus aid unlock his chair but they never got him and he was starting to worry. But then he remembered what Uncle Alex said. Just then he saw a teacher at the door and then the bus aid come back for him. Once she got unbuckled the teacher opened the door and the bus aid put the lift down so they could put him on it then then the bus aid put the lift all the way down and the aid got him.
"Hi Devin I'm Mrs. Judy." "Hi." "Are you ready to go?"

Devin nodded and started pushing his chair but she got the back and started pushing him. Once they got to the class room Devin went to find his seat and saw that he was next to his sister but across from a boy. "Why do you have two last names?" "Why don't you?" "My mommy says we are a normal family." "Our family is normal right Honey."
Honey looked at Devin then at the other boy "Right MooMoo and Papa said we are." "Why do you call your mommy MooMoo is she a cow?" The twins looked at each other not knowing what to say.

Just then the teacher came in "Alright everybody my name is Mrs. Love and I am your teacher for this year I want everyone to go around and say one fact about you."
They started with a boy named James and he likes cookies. They finally got to the twins table and the twins were both to scared to talk the boy that was across from Devin stood up like he was taking the stage.
"I'm Alexander and I like. Hey look that kid has a weird chair."

Kurt and Blaine's little family Where stories live. Discover now