Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: I don't own glee

"Get away from her you little B-i-T-C-H!." "Who's going to stop me?" "Me." "What can you do you Fag?"

Kurt started hitting him and the guy got a black eye but he easily pushed Kurt off him and he ripped Kurt's pants and pulled down his underwear and he started what he was going to do to the little girl but then he heard somebody else coming.

"Kurt are you and Sadies in here?" Kurt was trapped but he got out "Cory please help." "I'm coming in." Cory came into the bathroom and saw that Kurt's pants were ripped and he was on his stomach but what shocked him the most was that Cedes was bleeding and she looked scared but then he saw the guy standing next to Sadies and you could see the fear in her eyes.

"Freeze keep your hands where I can see you them." "Oh yeah who are you to help him?" "I'm a police officer and he is my brother."
Cory arrested him and helped Kurt up and he went right over to Sadies and tried to comfort her but it wasn't working. "Sadies it's ok it's me MooMoo." She stop fighting Kurt and started crying.

When he picked her up they then went out to where the party was and most people went home it was just Blaine and their family. "Blaine we are going to head to the car if you want to grab the presents that would be good." It took Blaine a few trips but finally he got all the presents and Honey and Devin in the car and Blaine drove very carefully but they finally made it home. Sadies was asleep but the twins were still awake. "I'm going to carry Sadies in then I'll help you with the presents."

Kurt walked into the house and into the girls room and laid her down. Then went out to the car and grabbed some of the presents it took them one and a half trips to get all the presents inside.

It was a month later and Kurt was in the boy's room changing Eli when he felt sick to his stomach. "Blaine can you come in here?" Blaine came running into the boys room when Kurt saw Blaine "Can you finish changing Eli I fell like I'm about to be sick?"

Kurt didn't get to hear Blaine's reply because after he got that out of his mouth he ran into the bathroom and was throwing up just then he saw the girls. "MooMoo are you ok?" "I'm fine girls you go play with your brother or each other or whatever I'm going to lay down." Kurt walked into the master bedroom and laid down on the bed and as soon as his head touched the pillow he was out.

Just then Blaine came into the room with Eli but saw that Kurt was asleep so he went to fix him a bottle and then carried Eli to the couch just then he saw Devin scooting on the floor. "Papa can I help?" "Not right now buddy." "Papa did I drink from a baba?" "Yes every baby does."

Just then there was a knock on the door Blaine answered the door and saw it was Karofsky "Honey your daddy is here." They went with calling Karofsky daddy and Andrew pop. "Daddy."

Karofsky bent down and caught her. "Tell Kurt that I'll have her back soon." "Take all the time you need she is your daughter too." Karofsky smiled and then left with Honey an hour later Blaine was playing with Devin and Eli when he heard Kurt scream Blaine put Eli in his playpen and ran to were Kurt was and he found him in the master bathroom holding a pregnancy test. "Kurt are you ok?" "No I got pregnant again by somebody rapping me."

"What are you talking about?" "Do you remember when we went to Chuck E. Cheese for Sadies birthday and my pants were torn?" "Yeah but you never told me why and why for awhile Sadies hated taking a bath or wanted you to do it."

Kurt sighed and looked at Blaine and told him what happened "Blaine when Cory got there I have never seen her look so scared he took something from her that will never get back."

Kurt and Blaine talk about what they should do because Elijah is only three months old could they do having two babies close in age again but luckily maybe they would only have two babies and not three but they were also only one person and five kids that will need their attention more than others.

Kurt and Blaine's little family Where stories live. Discover now