Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: I don't own glee

It's five years later

"MooMoo help I'm bleeding." Kurt and Blaine ran to where Honey was and right away they both knew what she was talking about because she was in the bathroom.

Kurt and Blaine looked at each other not knowing what to do because all the girls in Kurt's family was either at work or at home with their families and couldn't come and Kurt having the love gene he only could have them and feed them but that's it and they both knew that Brittany and Santana were on a date.

Kurt remember that Cory had already gone through it twice with Hannah and Addison.As if somebody knew that they were in trouble the door opened and closed and Kurt knew that the only people who did that were his brothers.

"Kurt it's Alex Honey texted me about her problem so I brought Malerie with me." "You're a lifesaver Alex and think we have to go through this four more times but hopefully we are lucky and it waits until they are twelve too." "Who knows Kurt. How old was Hannah?" "Cory told she started her a week before they moved down here so eleven."

Just then Kairah came into the kitchen with the others. "MooMoo will you play with me? Because Mary said that I was too little to play with her and Sadies." "I can't sweetie after I help sissy I have to take Devin to therapy." "I have nobody to play with." Kairah went into her and Mary's room and laid down.

In the dream

Kairah looked around and saw that she was at her family home. "Aren't you going to look around or are you going to stand there?" Kairah jumped at the sound of a new voice.
"Why is it just my family home?" "I don't think so."

Kairah looked closer and didn't see their family pictures or any pictures. Just then Kurt walked past her as if he couldn't see her. "What's wrong with my MooMoo?" "Kurt and Blaine broke up when Kurt gave the twins up for adoption." "But why?" "It hurt too much to be reminded of what happened."

They walked closer to the living room and saw all the empty beer cans. "What is that?" "It's the bad stuff your MooMoo and papa are always talking about without you guys he feels that he isn't worth very much so he turns into what you just saw."

Kairah went all the way into the living room and tried to climb onto Kurt's lap but she fell right through. "Without Blaine you Sadie Mary and Elijah never existed now let's go see the twins."

Kairah looked around and saw that Devin was sitting in his chair just staring at the wall. "Robert time for your bath." "Robert? Why did they name him Robert?" "Kurt was the one to come up with Devin no Kurt no Devin." "So does that means Honey's name changes too?" "Yes." "What does it changes too?"

In a moment they were gone and at Karofsky's house.

"What are we doing at Daddy's house?" "After Kurt gave the twins up for adoption Karofsky thought about it and was the one to adopt Honey but she doesn't know about Kurt or Devin." Kairah looked around and saw all the different pictures of Honey. She also explored the Lima apartment "Ryleigh Lilly time to eat." Soon they saw Honey and Ryleigh coming down the stairs. "Eat your dinner, girls pop will be home soon."

Kairah looked at her big sister and could tell that she wasn't happy. "Why isn't she happy?" "She knows that Andrew isn't her father but she doesn't know how to approach the situation because Andrew and Karofsky have been raising her as long as she could remember." "Oh."

Kairah could feel herself waking up or being woken up. "Huh?" "Oh sweet girl I was starting to worry about you." She was pulled into a hug by Kurt. "How long was I asleep?"

Kurt shook his head and laid on her bed. Right away she climbed into Kurt's lap. "About three hours I took Devin to therapy and then took Honey to the airport to fly to Lima." Just then the door to the room opened and Sadies came into the room. "Moom if you want I can have a sister to sister moment."

Kurt looked over at Sadies and couldn't help but feel she had grown up so fast. "Ok I see how it is my babies don't need me anymore." Kurt walked out of the younger girl's room and went into his and Blaine's room and grabbed Sadies's and Honey's baby books and started looking over them. "I can't believeI actually put the test I did in Honey's baby book."

Two hours later Blaine came home from visiting Wevid to a quiet house and that was never a good sign. Blaine first looked in the living room and saw the two boys sitting on the couch watching hairspray he then made his way to the older girl's room but didn't see Honey or Sadies he then looked in his and

Kurt's bedroom and saw three of the five missing people and what shocked him was that Kurt was asleep but he had tears on his cheeks like he had been crying. He continued to look for Honey and Mary. He found her in the younger girl's room on her bed reading.
"Papa?" "Yes." "I know you and MooMoo hate when we cuss but what's a fag?"

Blaine's face went pale at hearing Mary's question.

Granted he and Kurt had heard worse especially by Karofsky. "A fag is a sling for gay people and it's a very bad word. Are you being bullied? Because if you are we can homeschool you like we are with Devin." "No Robby and Ethan were saying that you and MooMoo were that on the last day of school." "Oh baby girl just ignore them."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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