chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I Don't own glee

"Kurt you and I both know that isn't true now go Devin needs his MooMoo"
"Alright I love you Blaine"
"Love you too Kurt" Kurt and Blaine followed the nurses. "We will get a child size gown just lay him down on the bed and this pink tub is a puke bucket." "Thank you." Kurt's phone started to ring

"Is this Kurt Hummel-Anderson"
"Yes, this is"
"Hello Mr. Hummel-Anderson this is Hope Jordan I'm the nurse at New York elementary I have Honey in here and she has a fever and threw up in her classroom I was just calling to see what you want to do"
"I will have my husband pick her up and then take her to my friends house"
"Ok thank you Mr. Hummel-Anderson"
"Your welcome and thank you for calling"

Blaine looked at Kurt as to what he was saying. "Blaine I need you to get Honey then take her to Cory's." "Ok I might just take her home and get Sadies just in case she gets sick too text me what's wrong with him." "I will love you Blaine." "I love you too Kurt."
They started kissing until the heard Devin dry heaving. "My poor baby." "MooMoo?" "MooMoo is here baby." Kurt sat down on the bed with him and started cuddling him. "Be careful Kurt." "I will." Devin laid on Kurt's chest listening to his heartbeat and it made him fall asleep.
"Hello Mr. Hummel-Anderson Im Dr. Rose and I will be taking care of Devin today." "Hello I'm Kurt." Kurt looked down at Devin and how much he looks like him and Blaine. "Dev I know you don't feel good but the doctor is here baby you need to wake up."

Kurt started rubbing Devin's arms to wake him up because his back was on him Devin rolled over in his sleep and now his face was on Kurt's stomach and the baby didn't like that Kurt got off the bed and ran to the bathroom and threw up when he got back he saw that Devin was awake and fighting with the Doctor. "DEVIN JORDAN ALEXANDER HUMME-ANDERSON WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?"

Devin stop fighting and looked at Kurt his big blue eyes full of fear but let the Doctor take a listen to his lungs and heart. "By chance was he a premiere?" "Yes he and his twin sister were born at twenty weeks. Why?" "With premise they can have different health problems because their lungs and hearts had to breath and pump blood early then a baby full term."

Kurt looked down at his stomach and started to worry about this baby he knew he wasn't in high school anymore and he was pretty popular because his voice talent is amazing and he is a hard worker. "Oh I'm sorry I don't mean to worry you but I was just asking because he sounded really congested and I was wondering if he has asthma or any other health problems." "Not that I'm aware of but I'm still in school." "How old are you look young?"

"Twenty two I had them when I was still seventeen and when they were two months old I turned eighteen." "Ok I want to keep him so we could give him a breathing treatment and Ive fluids and oxygen because his levels keep going down."

Kurt went out to the hall to call Blaine
"Hey, Sweetie, what did they say about him I got the girls, and we are about to go home"
"Will you pick up me some food and clothes because she said that she wants to keep him because she said that he sounds horrible but I could of told her that but she said that his oxygen levels keep going down and that he has to have Ive fluids I'll call Rach after I get off the phone with you to watch him tomorrow so I can go to class and then after class I will come home with the girls and you can come to the hospital with Devin or if I feel tired and don't want to stay home I'll let you know tomorrow after school"
"Did you ask about the bruises on his legs"
"I'll go ask right now oh dear god Blaine what if they think we abuse him"

Kurt went back into the room the doctor was still examining him and she had got to his legs. "I see impressions and bruises dose he fall a lot?" "The impressions are from his braces he has cp and we don't know about the bruises I have noticed them a week ago and my husband had noticed that he has more on his sides."

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