Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: I don't own glee

It was two months after they moved and it was the day that Devin meets his doctors and Kurt and Blaine both were going and Kurt was very nervous because after Devin's appointments they were meeting up with Karofsky and talking about when he could fully meet Honey and when he could see her. "Kurt are you ok? You looked like you are going to have a panic attack."

Kurt sighed and looked at Blaine. "No but we will get through this."
Blaine took Kurt's hand and brought his hand to his mouth and kissed it. "Blaine look how big the hospital is." "I know what you mean." Blaine pulled into a parking space but made sure he had enough room to get Devin's chair out.

"Papa look." "What Dev?" "There is a boy in a wheelchair like me." Blaine look over and saw that he was telling the truth. "Alright Dev lets get in your chair."

Blaine and Devin walked over to his chair where Kurt had got it out. Once he was buckled in they went in and looked for somebody to help them.

Just then they heard somebody call their names "Coop what are you doing here?" "I got a job here because I heard you guys talking about moving here and I got tired of not watching them grow up."

"Do you know where the wheelchair center is?" "Yeah." Cooper lead them to where they were supposed to go and then went back to work. "Thanks Coop."

It was after all of Devin's appointments and they were all heading back to the car but Devin was so tired that he could hardly keep his eyes open. He then felt his chair tip back and saw Kurt smiling at him. "It's alright baby you can go to sleep."

Once Devin was asleep Kurt looked over at Blaine and said. "I like those doctors. What about you?" "I think they were great but not very informed or wanting to listen to what we had to say." "I know what you mean. Do you think it has to do with us?" "I don't know but we have to try two more times before we make our discussion."

"True but we may have to wait until after Devin's surgery because we have been waiting for this one for a year." "Yeah but I just have a feeling. So where are we meeting up with Karofsky?" "Um it looks like the park."

They drove to the park and where the first ones there. So they sat in their car waiting for Karofsky. Once he pulled up him and Kurt got out at the same time, "It's good to see you Hummel." "It's Hummel-Anderson and since we have Honey together you can call me Kurt." "How did you come up with the name Honey?" "I named her after my mom." "Oh." "Do you have any other children?"

Karofsky sighed and shook his head no. "Me and Andrew tried to adopt but nobody wants to give gay people kids and we don't know a girl in this town to be our segregate and until you told me that you were pregnant I didn't know that boys could get pregnant."

Just then they heard Devin crying in the car because he had a bad dream. Kurt sighed and went back to his car and got Devin out and had him sit on the edge while he got his chair. Karofsky saw that Kurt was struggling with it and walked over and asked.

"Do you want any help?" "Thanks Karofsky."
Kurt backed up and let Karofsky get it out of the trunk. "Why dose he need a wheelchair?" "He has CP and it's just easier then when he is in his walker because he falls a lot and you have to make sure that you are standing right behind him." "Oh he is a cutie. How old is he?" "He and Honey are twins so five." "Is he mine too?"

Kurt always hated what Karofsky and Mr. Shue did but he took a deep breath and said . "No Mr. Shue was my foster dad at the time and he wasn't the best so he raped me the same day you did so they have two different fathers but that doesn't mean I love them any less then I do with mine and Blaine's children." "Do you have a big family?"

Kurt and Blaine's little family Where stories live. Discover now