chapter 2

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Kurt looked at his friends and family and took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant again." The twins and Sadies started crying because they all thought they were being replaced because the twins were too little to remember Kurt being pregnant with Sadies. "Babies why are you crying?" "Because we are getting replaced and you will love the new baby more." "No I will love all my babies the same because I could see you grow and kick some more than others."

Kurt Blaine and all of the warblers look at Honey "Me?" "Yes you you would even kick your brother when you guys were little and I was feeding you." "What about papa did he feed us?" "When I went to work if I didn't feel like bringing you guys." "What about Sadies did I try to kick her?" "No you guys were almost one when I had her."

Just then Kurt got up and went to the bathroom the table next to them didn't hear the conversation but they felt bad for Kurt."Poor kid I hope he's alright." "Yeah he is." "I hope he isn't sick I don't want to catch anything he has." "You won't." "Oh ok." She then looked at Honey Devin and Sadies. "Are they triplets?" "No the older girl and the boy are twins and the other little girl is their younger sister." "I'm Sasha." "I'm Alex and these are my nieces and nephew Honey Devin and Mercedes but we call her for Sadies short."

Just then Kurt and Blaine came back to the table and sat down but what shocked her most was how much the twins looked like one of the boys that sat down and the other little girl looks like the man that sat down next to one of the twins and across from the teenager or young adult she then got grossed out because they were sending each other googley eyes.

"Excuse me they are children here and we don't need you to show them that gay is ok because they have to be raised by a mother and father." "I am both too these three I carried the twins for five months and Cedes for eight months so take your homophobic attitude elsewhere because we don't need you at this restaurant."

Sasha was shocked and then they heard clapping it started off soft then it got louder and louder Kurt took a bow and saw that the manager was coming out. "I'm so sorry that I caused a seen." "Don't worry about it I was getting tired of her causing trouble with my customers that are in the lgbt community because my brother is and we lost him to suicide because it was back when it wasn't ok to be gay so I opened this restaurant in his memory I'm Josh." "I'm Kurt and this is my husband Blaine and our children Honey Devin and Cedes and are friends and family Alex, Carson, Wes, Nick, Jeff, their twins Jacob and Dillon Matt, my friends from school Mercedes, Rachel, Brittany and Santana." "Oh that reminds me I got a call yesterday from somebody named David that he will be surprising his boyfriend named Wes."

After he got done talking everybody saw David come out of the kitchen wearing his uniform. Wes got up and ran to David and started kissing him. "When I fly home to get Emma she will be so excited I wish Justice will just move up to New York or let me keep her here." "Don't worry Wes I come baring good news." "What?" "Remember when we had sex the last time I was here?" "Yeah it was almost two months ago. Why?"

David took off his uniform jacket and showed everybody his baby bump Wes started creasing his bump and kissing it to. "I'm going to be a father again I'm going to be a father." "You're not the only one Wes remember Me and Kurt are going to be parents again."

David looked over at Kurt and saw that he had a smaller bump than he did. "How many weeks are you?" "Six we found out on the sixth of September if this baby is like Cedes then he or she will be born in March like the twins but if he or she is like the twins he or she will be born in December because I was only 20 weeks when I had them my water broke at regionals remember that." "I do I don't think I have ever been that scared." "You think you were scared you didn't have to deliver two babies that wasn't supposed to be born until June." "Ok you have me at that." "Cory's calling."

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