5. Trust Me

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v. Trust Me

The Courtyard, Hogwarts --1994

            "Alright, let's talk about this tournament

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"Alright, let's talk about this tournament." Said Kat the next morning after classes were over. Harry sat before her with his school work in his lap. They were out in the courtyard, sitting on a patch of grass since it had finally stopped raining. "Have you figured out what the first task was?"

Harry gave a strange look to Hermione before he responded to Kat's question. "No, I haven't gotten around to it."

Kat sighed, "well, I hope you got fire-proof clothes. You're gonna need them."

The boy froze, looking skeptically at the older girl. "Why is that?"

Kat pulled her black pocket knife out of her skirt patch, picking at her nails with the blade. "Because almighty one," she teased, "the first task is dragons. And if you're gonna win, you'll need to know spells to use against creatures that can not only fly but can also breathe fire."

"How do you know what the first task is?" Hermione questioned, looking up from her transfiguration textbook. Kat shrugged, "I followed Karkoroff into the woods."

Harry laughed, causing the bushy haired girl to follow his actions. "You followed him into the forest?" The boy asked.

Kat nodded, grinning mischievously. "Well somebody had to take action."

Thunk! A sharp blade pierced through the target. Kremsworths' Defense class later that day had them practically dislocating their students' shoulders. While some were using punching bags and others were using bows or swords, a few kids were practicing throwing knives. It was a skill that required strength and momentum.

"Dragons?" Maxim exclaimed, watching as Kat threw another blade. "As in wings and fire?"

"No, Max, as in rainbows and butterflies." Kat sighed, collecting her blades from the target board . The boy glared at his friend, folding his arms across his chest. "How'd you even figure out what the first task was? Isn't it supposed to be a secret?"

"Yeah, but not when you follow a teacher into the woods."

Anya laughed from her spot on the ground. " Nice." She was flipping through her homework, taking a break from training to complete last minute work. "That is not 'nice,'" Maxim huffed. "What if you got caught? You could have gotten in trouble! We're not allowed to go into the forest. There's a reason it's called forbidden."

The girl simply shrugged, "rules were meant for breaking. Besides if I got caught I would have just said 'ya ne govoryu po-angliyski.'"

Anya glanced up from her work, "no, that never works. Trust me, I've tried a few times."

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