Chapter 1 The New Kid

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New woman: A teenage girl was found dead in the middle of the woods. Police stated that she had multiple stab wounds. The culprit known as Ghostface is still at large.......

5 days later....

Me and my family is driving when I see a sign,

'Welcome to Woodsboro, California'

After driving into the city we found our house and I ask,

"Remind me again why we had to move out of (HomeTown)?"

Dad: Because of me and your mother got a job here so we had to move

Mom: It'll be fine I promise

Sister: Everytime you say that it's never fine
Brother: She's got a point

Dad: Just trust us on this

"So (Sisters name) how are you going to contact your friends?"

Sister: I can text them 

Brother: Of course

Mom: We could use a hand here

"Oh right sorry"

We moved everything into our new house and after we move everything in we ate dinner and we went to bed since I got school tomorrow. The next morning I woke up and got dressed. My mom drove me to school and unfortunately everyone had their friend groups. I went to class and I was a shy kid to say the least until I heard,

???: Your new aren't you?

I turn and see a girl,

"Is it that obvious?"

???: Well I never seen you in this class so yeah. My name is Emily by the way


After multiple classes Emily took me to see the rest of her friends. Their names were Andrew, John, Eva, Grace, and Joel. We all got along well. After school I got picked up by dad and we drove home and night came and we ate dinner. 

3rd POV:

Joel is taking a shower and he hears his door open. He thinks that his parents and he goes out and checks.

Joel: Mom? Are you here?

He heard the phone ring and picked it up,

Joel: Hello?

All he heard was breathing and the caller hung up and he turned around and saw a person wearing a ultra-long open mouth mask and an attached black hood and black mesh screen over the eyes conceals the person identity. The mask person threw Joel across a table and Joel got up and he looked around and saw his attacker gone. He brought out his phone and called the police,

Police operator: 911 what is your emergency?

Joel: Please help there is an intruder in my house!

Police operator: Where is the person now?

Joel: I do not know!

The light went out and he told the operator what happened and he gives the operator his adress.

Police operator: Okay, here's what you need to do. Go to your bedroom and hide.

Joel runs up to his room and hides under his bed and he sees two pair of feet and he whispers,

Joel: I see the person's feet......

Police operator: Stay silent as possible. The police are almost there

He was then pulled out from his bed and started to scream. Ghostface has a voice changer and the Ghostface yells,

Ghostface: SHUT IT!

Ghostface picks up the phone and the operator says,

Police operator: Listen, Whoever this is the police are on their way right this moment! I suggtest you leave that house and leave the kid alone! Before you do anything you regret......

Ghostface: .........It's already been done

The line disconnects and Ghostface murders Joel.........

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