Chapter 12 Killer Revealed

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I got home and I went to my room and I printed out the picture of Eva's dead body. I put on the board and the only thing I can link is that Ghostface is targeting me and my friend's.I then got a text,

Ghostface: Hello Y/N

"Why are you targeting me and my friend?"

Ghostface: everything happens for a reason Y/N

Afterwards he did not text anything else. The next morning I got up and the school was on edge thinking that one of the students was a murderer. Friends did not trust friends, gang members did not trust gang members. Ghostface is leaving an impact on this town. I went to class and the teachers tried to reassure everyone that we are safe but we did not believe them. After school I went home and saw the black car still there.... at least I still have protection but for how long. I sat at my table studying the evidence board. I cannot find any other links except that one linked. I went downstairs and I my dad got a phone call and he said that him, mom and my siblings need to go to the police station and I told them I'll be fine considering that the police are right outside. They left and I decided to make myself a sandwich.

Y/N's dad POV:

We arrive at the police station and a detective welcomed us and he said,

Detective: while investigating we found something out

"That is?"

Detective: Every murder and attempted murder was link with Y/N or Y/N's friends

Mom: so your saying that everything that has been happening has to do with Y/N's friends or Y/N himself?

Detective: Yes


Detective: We do not know but for now we need to move your son and his friends to a safe location immediately


I was finish making myself a sandwich when I heard the front door open. I went over and saw Ghostface....


Ghostface: Hello again Y/N

"Who are you?"

Ghostface: You really have no idea....

Ghostface takes off the mask and to my shock I see the person hunting me and trying to kill me.

Andrew: Do you Y/N?


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