Chapter 9 The Evidence Board

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I was laying in my hospital bed and I remember what happened to my grandpa. My dad came in and asked what happened to grandpa.

"While we were the woods... Ghostface attacked us and grandpa sacrificed his life to save me..."

I saw a tear go down dad's eyes. Even though he was a serial killer he cared for me. I felt anger, anger I have not felt ever. That's when dad left and I got a text message from Ghostface.

Ghostface: Hello again Y/N

"What do you want?"

Ghostface: Sorry to hear what happened to your Grandpa~

"I swear to God when I find you I'm gonna strangle you with my own two hands!"

Ghostface: I see I pinched a nerve

"When you killed my grandpa... That is when this became personal"

Ghostface: Good luck trying to find me...

After Ghostface text that Ghostface did not text back. After a while I was talking with my two siblings when my so-called friends came in.

"Oh great these assholes!"

Josh: Can we at least talk?

"What's the point? ...Let me ask you something... Do you know how it feels like to nearly die? ...Peaceful... it felt peaceful. It was like I was floating away watching the whole thing happen to me and then I woke up again and nothing has changed... I still being hunted..."

Emily: Look Y/N... I know how you feel... I-

I got up and yelled,

"Don't do that! Please don't do that! You do not know how I feel!"

Emily: Y/N calm dow-

"You do not know how it's like to have eyes behind your back wondering when a crazy killer is going to kill you!"

That's when a detective came in and started to ask me questions. After a few days the hospital let me go. I went back home and I was crying considering my grandpa died protecting me. I then remember what my grandpa said,

Grandpa: It's always the closes people next to you that are the culprit

I then decided to unmask the killer. I cleared my desk and brought a board and made it into a evidence board. I then found the killers face online and put in the middle with the question,

'Who are you?'

I then put on pictures of my friends who were dead, or alive and I also put it on the board. I then printed out ever text message I got from Ghostface and put on the board. Who are you Ghostface?

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