Chapter 8 Redemption

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Me and my grandpa arrived in the forest and we sit on the hood of the car with a campfire going.

"It was a stroke of genuis breaking out of jail. Because that could never end badly..."

Grandpa: I doing this to protect you-

"Ghostface is going to find us one way or another..... tell me something.... why did you kill Grandma?"

Grandpa: Okay, you wanna know why I killed her?

"Alright let's hear it..."

Grandpa: Back when you were born... I found my wife cheating on me with our neighbor. I was angry and from that day on me and your grandma always argued and one day... I had enough and I shot her dead..... So Y/N... Ghostface can get in line behind you, your family and the numerous people who want's me dead...

Y/N's dad POV:

I was at the police station arguing with the officer's.

"You had one job! ONE JOB!"

Sargeant: We blocked exiting road in the city as soon as your father escaped.

Another police officer can.e and said,

Officer: We just got a ping from Y/N's phone. It was just outside of town. They are at a creek.

Sargeant: I want every available unit to go to that creek and find Y/N and (Grandpa's name) NOW!


Me and my grandpa are laughing bringing up our past and grandpa ask,

Grandpa: How everyone been?

"Well dad has been doing good, Mom sometimes drink to ease the pain but that is rare, My sister we get along pretty well, My brother is an ass to me at sometimes"

Grandpa: Yeah siblings are like that-

We heard a twig break and we got off the hood of the car and we looked around and I brought out my flashlight.

Grandpa: see anything?

"All I see are trees"

I look at Grandpa and blood was coming out of his mouth. I looked behind him and saw Ghostface. My grandpa dropped to the floor and I ran And ghostface chased me. I ran and I ran into a barn. Ghostface cornered me and before he could do anything my grandpa tackle Ghostface. I saw the gun that my grandpa got from a police officer and when I picked it up ghostface killed grandpa. I shot and missed. Ghostface looked up and I fired a another shot but I kept the gun steady and shot him in the chest and he goes down. He was not moving and I heard a police car and that's when I felt a sharp pain in my leg and it was Ghostface still alive. He got up and I tried to crawl towards the police when a officer came and saw Ghostface and ghostface ran and the officer tried to shoot ghostface but failed. The officer's got me into a ambulance and rushed me to the hospital. While going there I was sobbing knowing my grandpa is dead. When we got to the hospital my so-called friends ran up to me and asked what happened but I yelled,

"Stay the hell away from me! YOU ASSHOLES!"

I was brought into a hospital room where I'll be staying for the rest of the time....

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