Chapter 6 Protection

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I woke up in the hospital and I looked around and saw a nurse and she saw I was awake and went to get a doctor. I tried to get up but couldn't. The doctor came in and he explained what happened.l and then my parents and siblings came in and hugged me. I lifted the grown I had on and I saw stitches and he said,

Doctor: Oh yeah that. You were losing blood and the EMTs in the ambulance had to do the stitches inside the ambulance
"So what happens now?"

Doctor: the police are here to interview you and afterwards you will be discharged

The police came in and started to interview me and I told them what happened and I decided not to tell about the text messages and the calls I got from ghost face since I remembered Ghost face warned me. After answering they questions they discharged me. I got home and I got a text message from ghost face,

Ghostface: Your still alive I see

"What do you want from me?"

Ghostface: I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to you

"Leave me alone!"

Ghostface: No can do...

After that Ghostface did not send another message. I went to school and while in class I was called to the office and I went there and the police were in there and they told me from now on when I'm at home they will be a car on the other side of the street to make sure ghostface does not strike again. After school was done I went home and saw the black car that the police was talking about. I went inside the house and my parents were already making dinner while my siblings were on they phones. I went upstairs and I got a text message.

Ghostface: Hello Y/N how was your day?
"Go to hell"

Ghostface: I came to talk not to fight

"What tricks are you pulling?"

Ghostface: No tricks just want to show you something

"And that is?"

Ghostface sends me a voice recording and when I play it I hear Emily's voice,

Emily: Can we all agree on something?

Josh: That is?

Emily: Ever since Y/N came our lifes have been different

Abby: Your not saying what I think your saying...

My door to my bedroom opens and Emily comes in...

Emily: We need to stay away from Y/N...

I look at her and all she says is,

Emily: I can explain...

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