Chapter 4 New Faces

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I was sitting in class and the teacher when the teacher said,

Teacher: We got new people today. Please welcome, Abby, Josh, and Ben. Please be kind to them.

When ever they say 'Be kind' that never works. They sat together and Emily knew what she had to do. She befriended them. I'm trying to stay away from them since I don't want them to get hurt. I went to my friends and Emily is introducing them to the others.

Emily: Oh, and there's Y/N

I wave and they try to talk to me but I try to ignore them. Emily when I was alone,

Emily: Why are you ignoring them?

"You know why"

Emily: Ghostface?

"Yes, If he or she who who ever is behind that damn mask sees that....... they'll be next"

I then got a message on my phone and I checked and I read,

Ghostface: Too late


Emily: What? What's wrong?

"Ghostface knows"

Emily: Crap

The school day ended and thankfully everyone is alive. I went home and my mom knew something was up and asked what was going on. 

"If I told you...... something bad will happen"

As much as I wanted to tell her..... I can't. The next day I was at school and I decided to become friends with the new kids. Considering that the killer already know might as well make new friends. We got along well and I got a message,

Ghostface: Enjoy your happiness while you can becuase your happiness will fade

I ignored the text and try to make it to the day trying to ignore the killer. I then got another text,

Ghostface: Ignore me again I will cut through your neck until I feel bone!


Ghostface: Don't say I did not warn you!

The fire alarm then went off and we had to get out of the school......

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