Chapter 12

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A few days had passed and you grew closer with your family. You had the strongest bond with Ender, the one you shared with Adam and Foren falling behind. You told stories of your life outside the lab, of the beauties that existed in the world. Your fathers taught you more about your DNA and the traits you had inherited from them.

One of the most surprising things was that you were part Blaze. Smokey had show you his ability to have fireballs of different intensities and strengths as a result of having both Ghast and Blaze DNA. They taught you about powers you didn't even know you had. You were happy with them, but your mind often wandered towards Flin, Dream and Techno. Wondering how they were doing and if they were alright.

After you had spent about six days with your family, the door opened. Revealing Sam and his hunters standing on the other side. You started shaking when you saw them, your fathers standing in front of you in an effort to keep their sights off you. Adam held Elidi, Foren held Danica while you held Arron and Avira. A smirk formed on Sam's face when he saw you hiding behind Ender.

"Oh Y/N come out from behind the halflings. We've brought you something. They'll be staying with you for a while," Sam says as you peak out from behind your tallest father. You watched as Dream, Flin and Technoblade were shoved into the cell you shared with your biological family.

Your wings flared behind you as you teleported in front of the three, while teleporting Aaron and Avira into the arms of Zero and David. Your eyes glowing dark purple. Sam backed up in fear, this was new to him, you'd been the one who was scared of him. Not the other way around. A dark growl made its way up your throat. Sam and his men were out of the cell, no doubt on their way to tell the bastards holding you about what happened.

You turn around, the anger fading from you as you look upon the faces you loved. Dream and Techno were there in moments, engulfing you into a hug. Your fathers and brothers watching your reunion warily. You get out of the hug and turn to Flin. He was staring at David, almost as if he knew the man.

"David...Is-is it really you. After all these years, I've found you. I've found him Alice, I've found our son," Flin says, tears welling up in his eyes. David was in complete shock. It took him a moment to regain his composure.

"Dad...?" David asked, not believing who he was seeing. "I never thought I would see you again."

Tears began to roll down both David and Flin's faces as they embraced each other. You and everyone else watched in shock.

"Wait... so the man I've considered my grandfather is actually my grandfather and Dad's father? Are you guys ok? How did you even end up here Dad?"

Sorrow fills the eyes of your parents and grandfather. They looked at each other unsure of how to answer your question.

"I was tricked by the scientists. I thought that I was coming in to help with some of their experiments. Little did I know, they planned on throwing me to the wolves and seeing what would happen when a human who looked like them was introduced to their test subjects. I was tossed into the cell from above, making it look like I had accidentally fallen into the cell. I was shocked to see them, most injured in some way. I was terrified, they all looked so angry. Ender stalked me, slowly backing me up into a corner."

David paused, unsure if he should continue. Ender held onto his hand as the rest of your parents gave David their support. He closed his eyes before he continued.

"Ender was so close, so angry. His mates had been hurt by the scientists and I looked exactly like them. He was so close to me, I could feel his breath on my face as he stared me down, trying to figure out what to do with me. I held my breath afraid to even move. Before he could, he was distracted by Zero. Zero's injuries were severe, and they didn't know if he would be able to recover. I saw the hurt in everyone's eyes when he was in pain. I offered to help him, to show that I meant them no harm. They all reluctantly agreed to let me help Zero if they were able to watch my every move. I helped him and in return they didn't hurt me. I helped all of them and eventually I fell in love with them and they fell in love with me. The scientists had ended up finding a new weakness for Ender. He's the strongest of us, he keep us safe no matter what, they used the rest of us as leverage to get him to comply. He was the main focus of their experiments, at least until you were created. We... we were allowed to take care of you for the first few months of your love before they took you away. We eventually had your brothers but they continued with their obsession with you and Ender."

Flin smiles at his son and David's mates. Dream and Technoblade set their hands on your shoulders. Hours went by as the two sides of your family connected. Sharing stories of your lives, building a strong, unbreakable connection between your parents and your boyfriends.

Sorry that it took so long for the update. School has absolutely killed all of my free time. I also won't have very much free time when the new year begins until the middle of April. I'm holding to get another chapter out before then and hopefully have some drafts that I can use to finalize and publish during that time.

Would anyone be interested in seeing a Q&A for this book and myself or a book with some information about me?

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