Say My Name

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A/N: You are a servant for Queen Alicent and then Princess Helaena. Aemond has always been interested in you, but is enraged to see his brother, Aegon, also has his eyes on you. He dedicates himself to keeping you away from his brother's advances. Content warnings: explicit oral scene at the end, Aegon being a perv, nonconsensual touching is briefly mentioned. Also, I finished this story while half asleep so I apologize in advance.


Working for the Targaryen royal family was a rather enjoyable job. You quite liked working for Queen Alicent and she seemed to appreciate your service as well. You were always chosen to be the serving girl at the nightly family dinners that the Queen insisted on. Though the King was often absent, she persisted in having her three children join her for dinner when possible.

During one such dinner, you spied one of Princess Helaena's bugs crawling onto a dish that had yet to be served. You carefully cupped it in your hands and brought it over to the princess who appeared very pleased. Most others squashed her little friends or avoided them out of fear or disgust. Alicent smiled at this and the very next day you were reassigned to be the princess's maid instead.

She was only a year older than you and far cleverer than others gave her credit for. You took her words seriously despite the dreamlike way she spoke and she appreciated that. Before long, you had become a close companion of the princess.

It wasn't until she was wed to her brother that it became a problem. Prince Aegon was a creep, for lack of a kinder word. And you lacked any feelings of kindness for him. He was so unlike his younger brother, Aemond, who always treated you with a respectfully wide berth. Spending every day with his wife brought you to the forefront of his attention. Once he set his sights on you, life became much harder.

You avoided him like the plague. In fact, you would rather get the plague than be alone with Prince Aegon. He would attempt to corner you in Helaena's quarters when the princess wasn't there, but you would make up some urgent chore that you needed to rush out to complete. Once you had claimed the princess's tea set needed to be rotated. Your excuses always worked because the prince knew nothing of chores. Still, you worried about how much longer you could escape him.

Things were much harder during those rare family night dinners. You couldn't simply run out of those. At the same time, Aegon at least had enough restraint not to force himself on you in front of his family. But that didn't stop his wandering hands. You hated the way he groped and caressed at you, but you couldn't slap the hand of the firstborn prince. So, humiliated and angry, you stayed quiet and tried not to flinch too noticeably at his touch.

But the second-born prince noticed. Aemond had always noticed you, even before becoming his sister's maid. He had grown rather fond of watching you. Your appearance was striking. How could he not? Then you became Helaena's maid and he saw your true self be revealed. With her, you were less reserved than with his mother. You joked, you laughed, you danced. You hunted for interesting bugs in the gardens just to bring a smile to your lady's face and you dozed off peacefully against windowsills listening to her read. All the while, Aemond stayed nearby and quietly observed.

He watched you so closely, in fact, that he saw every secret touch his brother forced on you and the way you tensed at the very sight of him. And it drove him mad.

Across from him, he watched as you carefully bent over to refill his brother's goblet. Aegon leaned in close and whispered something that made you briefly scowl before composing yourself. His hand then snaked up your waist, preventing you from stepping back from him. Fear flashed through your eyes.

Aemond drained his drink and slammed the cup onto the table, causing everyone to look at him in surprise.

"My cup is in need of refilling," he said tersely.

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