Of Stars and Spools (Part 1)

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Description: Aela, Aemond's twin sister, is in a secret relationship with Jacaerys Velaryon, resulting in a pregnancy. Aemond "I would perform my duty" Targaryen goes to his mother to propose a way to defend her honor. Meanwhile, Aela tries to get into contact with her lover while under guard.

Pairings: Jacaerys x OC; Unrequited!Aemond x OC

Content warnings: so much incest, jeez what has this show done to me? All around unhealthy family relationships. Also, attempted coercion to drink the Plan T(ea).


The cloak Princess Aela had worn to sneak through the halls of the Red Keep lay discarded on the floor. Along with her gown. And her undergarments.

She was splayed out over the sheets of her rival's bed, luxuriating in her second orgasm of the night. Jacaerys Velaryon hovered above her, peppering her face with kisses as he continued to move within her until he came to his own completion.

He rolled onto his side, keeping her tightly wrapped in his arms. She sleepily nuzzled into his chest.

"Stay with me," he whispered into her hair.

Aela shook her head and he started nibbling on the shell of her ear until she started giggling. He reveled in these secret moments, hidden away in his chambers late into the night. It was the only time he saw his lover like this—peaceful, unguarded, soft. Aela was far from any of those things when she dawned the Hightower green and a sword of steel that matched her twin's.

"I can't stay," she said.

She rolled over to get out of bed but Jace playfully pulled her back in, fingers digging into her naked sides. They rolled around a bit, tickling and kissing one another, until Aela finally wrenched herself free from her lover and stood.

"Hey," Jace gently called, kneeling on the bed as she dressed and prepared to leave. He took her by the hand and drew her back to him. "I love you."

Aela kissed him softly before leaving.


Aela pulled her hood further forward as a figure stumbled around the corner. Who would possibly be out at this hour? She then sighed deeply when she realized it was her elder brother, Aegon, drunkenly wandering back from an exploit in the city.

When he saw his sister, he whistled.

"Well done, sister, I didn't think you had it in you!"

"Shut up, Aegon."


Two months later, Aela sat on the cushioned bench in her room after being summoned, picking at the skin of her nails hidden beneath the sleeves of her robe—a nervous habit inherited from her mother. The Queen stood opposite her on the other side of the low tea table. She hadn't said anything yet.

Then a maid entered the room. She silently set down a large teacup resting on a saucer. The Queen dismissed her with a wave of her hand and the maid left.

"Drink it," Alicent ordered.

Aela looked skeptically at the cup, but made no move to take it.

"You have missed your last two bleedings," Alicent yelled suddenly, "Now drink it."

She inhaled sharply at the realization. She stared hard at the tea. I'm pregnant, she thought numbly, and it's Jace's. She placed a hand on her stomach and looked up at her mother.


Alicent looked shocked at her daughter's defiance.

"Whose is it?" she asked suspiciously.

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