This feels like home (DNF💛)

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(1.4k words.)

"Excited to see your man?"

"Don't call him that, it makes me realize how real this is, Sap."

"Of course this is real, but you are excited, aren't you?"

"I guess I am.."

"Drop the act!"

"Alright, alright, I am excited to see him!"

"That's all I wanted to hear."

The two friends were on their way to the Dream team house. Sapnap had picked George up from the airport and was now driving.

George was so nervous, he felt as if Sapnap could hear his heart beating a thousand times in the minute.

He didn't know why he was so nervous, all he knew was that it probably was because of the tall Floridian he had called his best friend for so many years.


Or, Clay.

As they pulled into the driveway of a huge house, George wondered if they would stay best friends. Dream had said that he loved him many times, but it had always been in a joking way. Or had it?

George didn't know how he felt about Dream. He definitely didn't think of him as his best friend. There was something more. Something that made him lay in bed, unable to fall asleep, just thinking of the tall Floridian.

"Do you want me to go get him, or-?" Sapnap's voice brought George back to reality.

"Uhh, yeah, you go get him. He's probably waiting," he responded, wondering if he was ready.

Sapnap looked at the Brit, "hey, there's nothing to worry about."

"What do you mean? I'm not worryin-"

"I can see it in your face. You're nervous as hell. If I know Dream right, he's in there going over every little thing he's ever thought of you. You'll be fine." And with that, Sapnap entered the house, leaving George to wait in front of the house.

You're going to be fine. It's just your best friend for seven years. No big deal. Totally not a really fucking handsome dude. Damn, don't think like that.

George was overthinking this, and he knew that Dream was doing much worse. His anxiety or ADHD probably acted up and that was why he hadn't came outside yet.

Meanwhile Sapnap was trying to assure Dream that it was alright to be nervous and that nothing was going to happen. It was just George!

"But- Sap, what if it doesn't go well? What if he thinks I'm like, really ugly and just leaves?"

"Hey, hey, he won't. I've spent the last hour with him and it's kinda obvious that he's head over heels for you, man."

"Wha- what? Really? You think he's.. in love with me?"

"Bro. Just go out to him. He's probably regretting every single thing he's over done right now. He's nervous as hell. You'll be fine!"

It took a few more moments to convince the taller man to go outside and meet his best friend. Sapnap stayed inside and watched from the window as Dream took a deep breath and walked out the front door.


George had just settled that Dream wasn't coming when he saw a shape behind the front door. A few seconds later the front door opened and out came Dream.

He's even more handsome in person, George thought to himself before he realized that this was in fact real.

Before he realized that his best friend was standing in front of him, awestruck.

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