Hard times - pt 1 (SBI 🖤)

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(Around 750 words.)

1st of July, 2022, 3:47 PM.

Tommy's phone lit up with a notification from Sleepybois🥱😴.

He unlocked his phone and went to the group chat, immediately being met with the last conversation they had. It put a smile on his face.

It was the conversation of arranging a meetup for the four of them. Tommy, Will, Philza and Techno.

Tommy had met both Will and Philza in person, but never Techno. He couldn't wait for the meetup.

Join ft

Dadza :]
Yeah join tommy

Tommy didn't understand the hurry. There was something weird about the way Phil texted. But he joined the FaceTime call anyway.

Philza and Will were sitting in Phil's streaming office together.

"Hey, what's up?" Tommy greeted them.
"Will, you tell him," Phil jumped right into conversation.
"Okay, Tommy are you sitting down?" Will looked as if he had been crying.
"Yeah, I am? Why?"
"You might not want to hear this standing up."
"What is it? Tell me."

There was silence while Will debated on how to tell the younger boy. He would be devastated for sure.

"There's good news and bad news.."
"Go on?" Tommy suddenly became aware of the fact that Techno wasn't there. He was meant to hear this too, for sure?

"The bad news is.. Techno won't be here again.."

"What do you mean? Why not? Has something happened?"

"A lot has happened that you don't know of, Tommy." Phil sounded close to tears. He wasn't usually this serious when talking to the two younger boys.

"What do you mean? You've been keeping stuff from me?"

"Tommy, focus."

"Well, what's the good news then?"

"It wasn't painful, he didn't feel anything.."

"What? I don't understand."

"Tommy, Techno's gone."

A small tear fell down Phil's face. Techno had always been his favorite. Will saying those words made him fully realize that he wasn't coming back, he was really gone.

"Gone? Wh-what do you mean?"

"He's dead, Tommy. He won't ever come back."

"De-dead.? But- he can't be! You said he had gotten better!"

"It was his wish. He didn't want you to treat him differently, just because of his disease, so we kept it from you. It was what he wanted.."

"But- he can't be dead! He can't!"

"He is, he won't be back, no matter how much you want him to," Phil finally spoke.

"No! You're lying! He can't be dead!"


"No! He'll be back, I know it! He'll come back and say it's all just a joke and that he has gotten better and he will live the life he deserves."

Will and Phil exchanged glances. This was too difficult. They couldn't do it. Techno had meant a lot to all of them, but they had never imagined how tough this would be for Tommy.

"This is a joke, right?"



The tears were hard to hold in. Tommy knew deep inside that this wasn't a joke, that Techno was gone, but he didn't want to believe it.

Maybe if he denied it and kept telling himself that he would come back, maybe it would come true?

"No, Tommy.."

Instead of giving in to the sadness, Tommy fought against it with optimism and obliviousness. If he ignored it, maybe it would all turn out to be fake?

"He gave me this. He wrote a letter saying how much it meant to him that I was there for him. He made me promise that I would protect it with my life." Tommy had found the Techno plush he had on his bed.

"It's not going to work, I know what you're doing, Tom."

"But he can't be dead! He promised he'd stay!"


"No! I don't want to hear it! You're lying to me. It's not funny anymore. Techno can't die."

There was silence for a few moments.

"We're not lying and you know it too, Tommy. This isn't funny to us either."

"You don't understand! He's my childhood hero. He saved me. He promised he'd stay with me.."

"Promises don't hold! You should've learned that by now! He's never coming back! He's fucking gone!"

"Oh. Oh.. oh my god.."


"Are you coming over.? We already have the spare room ready for Will," Phil broke the sad silence.

"Ye-yeah, I'll be there in twenty minutes.."

"Alright, stay strong, Tommy.."

"Yeah, I-.. I will."

And with that they ended the FaceTime call.

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