"I should be more important than work" (DNF 🖤)

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(About 1.6k words)
This was inspired by a thread by @softdaydreaming on Twitter <3
Longest chapter of any book I've ever written
Also, this will ofc have a happy ending cause I don't like it being angsty angst.

George sat on the couch in the living room with an unhappy expression on his face.

Sapnap walked into the room with a plate of leftovers from the night before.
He saw the older man staring blankly at the black tv in front of him and immediately started worrying.

"George? 'S something wrong?" he asked as he sat down beside the Brit.

"Oh, hi Sap. No, I'm quite alright." George responded, first now noticing the Texan.

"You sure? Where's Dream?"
The question put a frown on George's face.

"He's working again. He said he'd be done an hour ago."

"Oh, clingy much, huh?" Sapnap laughed.

"I just don't think it's fine. He always promises that he'll be done on the hour, and that he'll spend time with me."

"And he never does? Is that why you're always so grumpy?"

"I'm not grumpy! It's just not fair. It feels as if he puts his work before me."

"He's working too much, I'll give you that."

"It's not fair. I should be more important than work. I'm his boyfriend!"

"Yeah, you're right. Maybe you should just go in and demand cuddles or something.
That usually works with Karl. Except if he's in a meeting."
Sapnap's face flushed a little when he mentioned Karl, but George didn't even notice.

First now did Sapnap realize that George was looking like a mess. He was wearing the black hoodie he always stole from Dream, and a pair of sweatpants that was at least two sizes too big, probably also Dream's. His hair definitely hadn't been brushed since the day before, and his eyes looked a little puffy.

"George, are you okay?" Sapnap asked with concern laced in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Bro, have you been crying?"

"What- No!"

"Don't lie to me, George."

There was a small silence, then,
"Yeah, I've cried.."

"What, why?" When George didn't respond Sapnap continued, "It's because of Dream, isn't it? He hasn't been out of his office for the past few days, has he?"

All George could do was shake his head and mutter a small "you're right." He was too tired to do anything else.

He was tired because he was lacking attention. That's how a person with pretty privileges functions.

"I just want him to cuddle me, that's all I'm asking.." George looked at Sapnap with a small frown.

"It's almost four PM, he doesn't have meetings this late on a Thursday. You just enter his office and go 'I am demanding cuddles right now.' And so he will have to do something," Sapnap came up with.

"You sure? I don't want him thinking I'm annoying or something.."

"Hey. He won't. If this man really loves you, he will show you. Now shoo!" Sapnap said with a small smile.

And so George got up from the couch, stretched and went to Dream's office. He didn't even bother knocking like he would usually do.

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