Chapter 1: Work out

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Jaune walked to the places.

"Alright Jaune..what do you feel like doing, to begin with? We will all join you depending on what it is that is" Yang asked

"Well... I already got a plan for working out.." he said a bit nervous.

"What is it?" She asked

"100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 10km run and 30-minute shadow boxing," he said. Ruby, Weiss and Blake all look at him as if he was crazy but Yang grins.

"perfect! Though we should start simple" she said but Jaune shakes his head.

"I'm determined to do it," he said

"Then go right on ahead. Weiss. What do you have planned for teaching?" Yang asked.

"While we are Doing pushups or sit up we will be doing written work every few sets that way we can pace ourselves. While we are running or doing squats we will read and well for You Jaune. While you are shadowboxing, I'll read out questions, you gotta answer" Weiss said and everyone nods

"sounds good. Let's get to training" Ruby said as they decided to do push-ups first. Jaune and Yang knew better than to Tucker themselves out straight away unlike Ruby and Weiss who wanted to get it done immediately. Blake just does them at her own pace. Jaune, however, did have a small blush as he realised he was the only guy there with 4 girls but he shakes his head and continue his work.

He looked down at the book and wrote down answers that he thought was correct before he continued to do his pushups. He looked over to see Ruby and Weiss on the ground panting as they got through it fast but they both were tired.

"So Jaune" he heard Blake ask and he looked over. "What's up with the gauntlets?" She asked

"Yeah, I wondered that as well," Yang asked.

"It was a gift from someone I saved when you found me and well. I like them" he said as he continued the pushups.

"Hey, Jaune. I just realised. Why are you shirtless?" Yang asked, Jaune tilts his head and looked down to see himself shirtless and he blushes

"U-Uh. I didn't even realise" he said blushing as the 4 looked and had small blushes.

"L-lets not focus on that" Jaune said as he finished his Push-ups and so did the others. "What next?" Jaune asked

"how about we do the squats? Maybe give Jauney boy a show~" Yang teased as Jaune blushed and goes to a corner

"You girls can do that over there. I am not gonna be called a perverted cause of you Yang" Jaune said looking at the wall as he sets up a history book in his hand and does his squats.

"Yaaaang. Look what you've done" Ruby said with a pout. "no he will feel uncomfortable around us"

"She has a point, Yang. As much as I don't want him to stare at our asses while we do the squats, he'd at least feel included" Blake said

"It was meant to be a joke," Yang said sheepishly

"Yang, your jokes usually are trash," Weiss said and Yang gasps.

"We should get the squats over and done with," Ruby said, a little sad that Jaune didn't feel included.

Jaune did well over the number of squats required as he wanted to finish this history book and cause he heard the 4 chatting as they do their squats. He didn't dare look over as he didn't want to face the wrath of them for being a pervert so he went on about his time before he finished the entire book which only felt like it lasted 10 minutes.

"Jaune?" Ruby asked

"Yeah, Ruby?" He asked

"You've been squatting and reading for an hour now... You can stop. We can physically see your legs straining themselves" she said worried as when Jaune stopped he felt them clench and cramp

Jaune the Gauntlet Hero (Rising of the Shield Hero Inspired)Where stories live. Discover now