Chapter 6: Resting_Place

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When the circular dome finally dissipated, the reunited pair finally returns to see the current atmosphere of the room.

To say it was sweet would be an understatement, a diabetic would need several shots of insulin just to be stabilized.

"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE!", Mostima shuddered as she witnesses Writer raise her voice.

The aura emanated from the once motherly figure now absent. What remains was what can be described of their version of a Sarkaz. Even Amiya was trembling under Writer's gaze.

"YOU LOT WERE HAVING A GROUP HUG!", each stride felt heavy. Each step was equivalent of a shadowy colossus heading

straight for them. Nian may have been a god fragment, but even gods can be scared shitless.

A huge puff of smoke and an audible sigh can be heard from Speaker before his better half made a cheshire grin.

"WITHOUT ME?", in an instant multiple ghost like arms wrapped around the group of siblings carrying them all with barely an issue.

Laughter can be heard from Elan, Ifrit, and Aesop as they giggled in unison with Writer. Contrast to Amiya, Lily, and Yelena hugging each other for dear life. Nian passed out half way.

Those that were watching were questioning what they were seeing. Patriot shuddered for the first few times in his life

seeing a small woman of that stature emanate a killing instinct only found in the most valiant of Ursus soldiers.

Somber and painful memories resurfaced in his old mind. He then looked unto the mother of Elan and Aesop, Eva, her steps calm and her expression knowing.

She stops at the side of Writer, when she noticed a tap on her shoulder she lowered the group and the ghastly appendages faded away.

"You're a mother?", Eva asked the grinning Writer.

"Pot meet kettle.", was the cheeky response Eva received. Before the both of them suddenly matched wavelengths and giggled mad. Patriot and Speaker both looked at each other before sighing in


Kal'tsit finally walked towards the pair with Mon3tr's size reduced, almost like a chibi version from its usual fearsome visage.

"You and Speaker are his parents aren't you.", it wasn't a question. Those in the lobby looked on with wide eyes as they finally pieced the puzzle.

The giggles of Writer didn't stop and dare the ancient Lynx to think that it got louder.

"Well yes, but no.", the contradicting attitude with a smug aura felt awfully familiar, several stares were pointed at the fallen Sankta. She only weakly laughed in response.

"Ask better questions, we'll return with better answers.", Speaker demanded as he

lights another roll of backwoods.

"Does he know both of you are alive?", Kal'tsit gambles a second time.

"Lucky 7's for you miss! Well truth be told he already knows where we are.", she speaks plainly for once. Before Kal'tsit could ask another question, the ground rumbled and the room shook. Writer and Speaker stand still as if they were attached to the floor. Doors appeared at the south wing of the lobby as they bursted open with a typhoon seemingly swirling around a structure out in the dark.

9 small graves were lined up, each had their own mementos of the life they lived. 2 bigger graves were lined up behind, the two slabs of stone practically a milimeter away from one another. Those paled in comparison to the mausoleum that

towered over them.

The audience slowly watched as Writer and Speaker slowly arrive at each grave paying respects, they did the same. They couldn't understand the writing of inscribed in the stone, except for the three participants.

Snow trembled in horror as to why she can read the graves with ease, until finally passing face to face with a familiar name on a grave. She had to withdraw those questions for later else she gets left behind.

Only until they reached the Mausoleum could they understand the writings. The words shook all of them to their core.

"In loving memory of a Son and a Caretaker. To the one that showed Faith and Hope to a world that deserved none.

Rest in Peace. Lin Ye, 1999-2020", the entrance's inscription drained the color of their faces except for Patriot, he was the only one confused.

The pair in a rare moment of synchronization spoke at the same time, "He already knows where we are, he's already been there."

"Six feet under"

Hope you all enjoy


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