Part 7

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With the end of that debacle, Mr. Ootori had begun spending more time with his family than his frozen heart and had started to open up more. It felt more like family in the house. Sure, they had felt homey, but now it was truly home. Kyoya's books had picked up in popularity, and he had published quite a few books and had been named a popular ghostwriter. The years went by quickly Kyoya had finally mastered his dragon slayer magic through his body was much more slender than his original body before he reincarnated. Kyoya's father had made sure that Kyoya wouldn't run away again. He assigned Victor to follow him around. Kyoya and Haruhi had become great friends and someone to share his secrets with. She knew everything after walking in on his training. It was a bit funny.


Kyoya's POV

"Victor, thanks for buying this dojo. I wouldn't have been able to practice magic and self-defence so freely,"

"Your welcome young master the sales for your new book has been over the roof, and your idea for a cosmetic store with your nose everything is very healthy for all customers; this is good you even the workout books for healthy living,"

"That's good; please update me if there are any problems,"

I was going through katas and freely using my dragon slayer magic without chants or seals. It may not be as solid chants, but I didn't feel as stupid for shouting out attacks. I was currently shirtless. It just felt natural. My body was naturally slender, but I am pretty well built.

Third POV

The door to the dojo opened, and Haruhi came. She had usually notified Victor when she came by, what she saw shocked Kyoya doing Katas as his fists were aflame.

"Kyoya, you on fire? Where is the fire extinguisher? Victor gets the help; he's on fire!" Haruhi started to freak.

"Wait, Haruhi, he's fine to wait..." said Victor.

Haruhi wasn't listening and grabbed the fire extinguisher she had found, removed the safety pin, and then sprayed Kyoya.

"Whoa, Haruhi, okay, stop. I'm not being burned; stop spraying me," said Kyoya, with a face full of foam.

Haruhi stopped spraying once she realized she was doing more harm than good.

"Kyoya, why are you not freaking out!" shouted Haruhi.

"This is normal,"

"Wait, back up, explain, please,"

Kyoya began explaining how he had died and what he could remember. Haruhi had all the pouf she needed, his display of magic, his guild mark and the dragon mark on his back. Then he told Haruhi about how he had started a company and had become a great fantasy author known to be anonymous.

"That's why you always seem so mature,"

"Yea, it has been rough,"

"Is there anything else that I should know,"

"Victor stands in for me as president of my company. I disguise him with magic,"



"Sounds tough,"

"Yea, it can be pretty tough,"

"Who else knows,"

"Just Victor,"

"That makes sense. It can be hard to keep it a secret forever,"

"Yes, I was lucky Victor didn't call me crazy,"

"You are the lucky young master that you were able to prove your claim,"

"Yes, or you would have told father I was mentally unstable,"

Haruhi was happy that her childhood friend trusted her enough to tell her more about himself.

*End FlashBack*

It got pretty interesting from there. Haruhi wasn't surprised when Kyoya offered to teach her some self-defence, seeing as she hung out with him. Kyoya soon started the host club with Tamaki and Haruhi had started her last year of middle school when Kyoya had begun setting up the host club. Haruhi was there, making sure Kyoya didn't kill Tamaki. Haruhi hasn't met Tamaki and doesn't want to anytime soon. 

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