Part 6 rinny smut

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(The grabber doesn't exist and the boys didn't die
Finn's age:18
Robins age:18
They are both in their senior year of high school)

3rd person pov

They both walked back to the house silent and heart broken. "Hey how was your walk" robins uncle said "fine" they both said in a sad tone as they walked away from one another. Robin went into his room and Finn went into the bathroom. Robins uncle could tell something was up. He walked over to robins door and just as he was about to knock he could hear robins muffled cries. He decided before he talked to Robin he would ask Finn if he knew what was wrong with him. He walked over to the bathroom door and was about to knock until he heard Finn crying too. He knew something had happened between them.

He was not dumb and what Robin and Finn didn't know was that robins uncle got home late LAST NIGHT so he heard everything  and he knew exactly what was going on at breakfast. But he didn't say anything because he wanted them enjoy the "sneaking around" before they said they were together. But he knew that this was not what they were supposed to act like just yet. He went back over to robins door and knocked but no answer so he went in. "Hey buddy what's the matter" he said as he closed the door behind him.

Finneys pov

I walked into the bathroom and immediately started crying. I couldn't believe Robin just wanted to be friends how could he after everything that happened. I looked over in the mirror to see snot and tears running down my face so I went to grab some toilet paper but there was none on the roll so I looked under the sink. And I saw a pair of jeans and underwear balled up in the Conner. I picked them up and saw a crusty stain on the crotch area. I knew they were robins from the accident last night. It made me smile a bit thinking about it. God I missed his touch.

Robins pov

I went into my room and started crying. How could he just want to be friends I loved him and he just wanted to be friends. The thought of never touching or kissing him went though my mind and it just made me cry even more. I heard a knock on my door I thought it might be Finn so I didn't say anything. But then my uncle walked in and asked "what's wrong buddy why are you crying" I ran up to him and gave him a big hug "fhjn shjd hs jrft wfjks tn bk fkldjs" I said not making any sense as I tried to tell him what was wrong.

"Calm down mi sobrino (my Nephew)"  i cried as I said "finn dijo que solo quiere que seamos amigos y yo quiero ser mas solo quiero besarlo todo el tiempo" (finn said he just wants to be friends and i want to be more i just want to kiss him all the time) my uncle looked at me and grabbed me on the shoulders " sounds like your in love boy" he said making me giggle "I guess but I don't know what to do"  I said "we'll not everything is black and white" he said sounding very wise but I didn't know what he meant so I tilted my head "what does that mean" I said "it means I hear Finn crying in the bathroom and he sounds just as sad as you are" he said to me "really?" I said a little too excited
"Go and talk to him, Communication is key" he said.

<time skip to later that night>

Finn's pov

I was staying at robins the whole weekend so it was no use trying to avoid him so I asked "do you want to watch a movie together" Robin jumped up excited which gave me butterflies "yeah" he said "what should we watch" "umm I don't know you pick I picked last time" he said "uhh how about Texas chainsaw massacre!" I said knowing that was his favorite movie. "Oh my god yess!" (A few minutes later) it was all set up and me and Robin were watching on opposite sides of the couch. A lot of jump scares came up making me jump I knew Robin noticed he noticed everything. I never knew how pretty someone could be till I saw Robin he had the most gorgeous black hair that was straight and he always wore a bandanna around his forehead it was his dads and it was special to him. Oh god and his eyes the way they looked in the light just made my heart melt. And his body was so perfect and I loved his skin I all ways wanted skin like that it's beautiful brown caramel color made me want to kiss every inch of his body. He then looked over at me and I turned my head back quickly.

Robins pov

What was he looking at I thought to myself and why did he want to watch this movie anyway he hated scary movies they always made him jump and sure enough he did. All I wanted to do was hold his beautiful body and kiss his dumb face. But it wasn't dumb it was the most beautiful face I had ever seen I loved his curly brown hair and the way it feel over his forehead perfectly and I loved his big brown eyes and the way they looked when the sunlight hit them just right I loved his smile and how it made me feel and I loved his nose his cute little nose I just wanted to hold and kiss him again. Then all of a sudden I saw him scoot closer he probably thought I wouldn't notice. Maybe it was just an accident I thought to myself but then I saw him get closer again.

What was he doing did he want to be close to me till finally a huge jump scare came on and he flung his head straight into my chest making me gasp for air. After the jump scare was over he still laid there and I put my arm around him missing the feeling of being close to him even before last night we were always touching and flirting I loved that. Maybe we could still be friends and do those sort of things. "Hey finn" I said as an idea popped into my head. He looked up shocked that I was even talking to him "yeah Robin" he said "do you think we could be friends who do stuff" I said hoping he would say yes seeing as he just wanted to be friends and I still wanted him so bad. "What do you mean" he said with a confused expression on his face. " you know like... kiss,touch each other...." I paused for a second "have sex" I said gulping down my fear. I could feel Finn's body tense up and I could see that his face was now bright red.

Finn's pov

I slid closer and closer to Robin hoping he wouldn't notice and waited for the perfect moment to jump into his arms and he put his arm around he making me feel safe. "Hey Finn" he said I was surprised that he wanted to talk so soon "yeah Robin" I said back "do you think we could be friends that do stuff" he said but I didn't know what he meant "what do you mean" I said with confusion "you know like kiss, touch each other .... Have sex" my stomach filled with butterflies. Oh my god was he serious. He wanted to be friends who had sex did that mean he wanted to be more then friends. "Oh umm would we go out on dates and hold hands and stuff" I said hoping he would say yes " oh umm if you wanted to yeah" he said making my heart beat faster. "Ok cool then yeah" I said nonchalant but I was really freaking out inside.

Robins pov
"Ok cool then yeah" omg me and Finn were basically boyfriends except we just wouldn't call it that I don't know if that was a good or bad thing as long as me and him we together I didn't care.

<time skip to the end of the movie>
Robin and Finn got up from the couch "that was a good movie" finn said "yeah I'm glad you liked it" Robin said looking at the clock it was 8:00 pm "hey do you want to go on a walk and watch the sunset" Robin said "yeah" finn said. They both walked hand and hand to the top of the hill robin had brought a blanket to lay on the floor they were surrounded  by trees so no one could see them they were laying down looking out at the sun set. "Do you wanna?" Finn whispered. Robin looked over confused and whispered in Finn's ear "do I wanna want?" Finn leaned over again whispering in robins ear "do you want to have sex with me?".

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