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june 15th, 2022

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june 15th, 2022.


'why him?'

'why now?'

'why him out of all people?'

'why not me?'

'why did it have to be him?'

those thoughts loop in junsu's mind that night of the accident.

his lover, the man who understood junsu the most, who were most patient with junsu, whom he loved the most in this world, the man who was oh so kind to junsu died in a car accident.

as soon as word got out that yoshi has been in a accident, junsu rushed to the hospital.

seeing his lifeless body made junsu drop to the ground, hands covering his eyes as he sobbed, jihoon, his best friend ever since childhood tried to comfort junsu by placing his hand on his back as he too allow tears to run down his cheeks silently.

"i didn't even get to apologize to him." junsu managed to choke out.

"he knew you didn't mean it." jihoon had to resist breaking down. junsu needed him to stay strong, he needed to lean on jihoon's shoulder and jihoon wouldn't let his best friend down. he refused to, because all his life junsu was always there for him, stayed strong for him and now that junsu's boyfriend of five years has passed away, jihoon had made a silent promise to himself to always be available for junsu.

junsu couldn't believe his loverman, yoshi slipped away just like that, that his life was so selfishly taken away.

my loverman | k.yoshinori Where stories live. Discover now