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july 1st, 2022

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july 1st, 2022.

"i can't do this anymore, jihoon."

jihoon's heart dropped and he felt sick to his stomach as a painful lump formed in his throat.

he swallowed hard as his concern for his best friend worsen.

"junsu where are you?"

"i'm so sorry jihoon. i love you. thank you for everything."

junsu then hung up. jihoon rushed to junsu's place and fortunately for him junsu had given him an extra key. he rushed to the bathroom as he pushed and kicked on the door.

jihoon was on time and pulled his best friend out of the bath tub that was filled with water.

jihoon's hands were on junsu's clothed chest, giving him CPR. jihoon sighed in relief when junsu gasped and started coughing, the water coming out of his mouth. jihoon's head rested on his best friend's stomach as junsu's hand rested in jihoon's hair.

jihoon then looked at junsu.

"please don't ever fucking try that shit again junsu. i need you, your family needs you, so does your friends. we love you and don't want you to leave us. you are too young to go, junsu." jihoon was frowning at his best friend.

"so was yoshi."

junsu's loverman was only 22.

my loverman | k.yoshinori Where stories live. Discover now