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july 3rd, 2022

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july 3rd, 2022.

"fuck you jihoon!" junsu yelled in jihoon's face.

jihoon was hurt by his best friend's words.

"i'm just trying to look out for you, junsu!" he exclaimed.

"i don't need that jihoon. i want to be alone! i'm still mourning! i need more time. he died weeks ago i know, but, i still need time on my own."

"so you can try to kill yourself like you did two days ago? fuck no, junsu. i don't want to leave you alone for a split second. i'm worried, your family and friends are worried too. i could've let everyone come here to check up on you but i insisted that i go alone, because i know you don't want to see them yet." jihoon tried his absolute best to stay calm.

"jihoon please."

"i'm sorry, junsu. i just can't loose you too. not like this. i'll stay in the living room. you still have your privacy, you have the bedroom. until i know you aren't suicidal anymore i won't leave. i won't interact with you if that's what you want. i'll sleep in the living room."

junsu gave up and stormed off to his bedroom, a bedroom he once shared with his loverman, yoshi.

my loverman | k.yoshinori Where stories live. Discover now